Happy girls are always the prettiest

The prettiest people do the ugliest things.

The happiest girls always have the prettiest nails.

We're not the prettiest bunch of animals in the world.

My striking isn't the prettiest, and I hit really hard.

Next to her, even the prettiest djamphir boys looked gawky.

The girls with prettiest smiles seem to tell saddest stories

The world is not the prettiest place in this planetary universe.

The prettiest of them all is a girl who is pretty on the inside.

An ugly baby is a very nasty object - and the prettiest is frightful.

Once you are dancing with the devil, the prettiest capers won't help you.

The ugliest truth, in the end, was still better than the prettiest of lies.

I've always thought the prettiest smiles are the ones that show the most teeth.

A great catch is like watching girls go by the last one you see is always the prettiest.

The show was written just for us. We all thought we were the prettiest and the funniest.

A very short trial convinced her that a curricle was the prettiest equipage in the world.

It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man.

I'm not the prettiest. I'm not the best, but I win and that's all that matters in the UFC.

I would never want the responsibility of being the prettiest girl on screen; it's too much.

If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, you haven't seen her smile her prettiest.

Tzuyu is the purest person I have ever met in all my 24 years. She is also the prettiest person.

The clumsiest literal translation is a thousand times more useful than the prettiest paraphrase.

Violinists' hands aren't the prettiest because of our nails and what our hands have to go through.

When I was really little, I loved Whitney Houston. I thought she was the prettiest thing in the world.

My mother was the prettiest woman in the town. He was a bit older than her. They made me. And he split.

When I was growing up, it was the guys who were hardest at school who got the prettiest girls. It's a status thing.

Some of the prettiest music I've done was in films that really were not a smash. Your music fares as the film does.

I love to walk into places and have what I think is, like, the prettiest, smartest wife in town. I kind of enjoy that.

I'm the greatest thing that ever lived! I'm the king of the world! I'm a bad man. I'm the prettiest thing that ever lived.

The truth is, I just don't have the drive to be the prettiest and the thinnest. I can be happy for other people for their beauty.

I wasn't the prettiest girl in class. No breasts, short legs, gangly teeth. I didn't think I was model material, that's for sure.

I think that terriers are not really the prettiest dogs, but they're scrappy and they're loyal, and they get it done, you know what I mean?

I wasn't the prettiest girl in the room, but I learned to carry myself with confidence - that's how you make the best impression on people.

Oh, I've got the prettiest mother. I've got the nicest mother. That's what I tell everybody. I say I've got the sweetest mother in the world.

I love it! You know, when I tour college campuses, I always find that the prettiest girls in the room are the ones in the College Republicans.

God forbid you be an ugly girl, 'course too pretty is also your doom, 'cause everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room.

As a standup, I try to change the world. As an entertainer, I try to entertain. And as a lesbian, I try to pick up the prettiest girl in the room.

Even the prettiest performers and even the most handsome performers, when they get that opportunity, they still need to step up to the plate and deliver.

It's kind of a loping stroke. It's not the prettiest stroke. But it's what's most efficient for me. And I think I kick a little more than most swimmers do.

However happy people say they are, nobody is satisfied: we always have to be with the prettiest woman, buy a bigger house, change cars, desire what we do not have.

In gymnastics, everything is a competition. You want to have your hair look the best and your makeup look the best. You want to be the best, and you want to have the prettiest leotard.

I'm thankful my parents obliged me to live with the unvarnished truth: I might not have been a looker, but I was a better speller than the prettiest girl in my class, and I was funnier, too.

'Happy girls are the prettiest,' and to be in the camera frame makes me happy. I just want myself to keep working. I can be in front of the camera for 48 hours continuously without any breaks.

I think many actresses want to be famous and want to be the prettiest, and that wasn't my trek. I was thinking, 'I gotta get out of here... how do I get out of here?' I like acting, but I like directing more.

I just feel like growing up in Los Angeles, you learn, 'Well you're never gonna be the prettiest girl in the room, so just don't even try.' I mean, I care about being pretty, but it's not my most valued thing.

I always felt second best. I was never the prettiest, never the skinniest, never the fastest in my sports. Never the smartest, because I have dyslexia. Then, all of a sudden, people were like, 'You're gorgeous.' And I was like, 'What?'

Ever since Marilyn Monroe was transformed from one of the prettiest girls you could ever hope to see into an icon, everyone has been trying to repeat that icon. And now the entire industry is filled with, and by and large run by, wannabes.

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.

It should be if you're a good singer and a good songwriter, you should have your spot. You get everybody trying to release the prettiest guy, but that doesn't mean they're the best artist. Most of the time the true artists are just normal old dudes.

When I was 15, I didn't think I was the prettiest at all. But then something happened when I was 20-something - I thought, actually, I really like what I look like. Just because I don't look like everybody else doesn't mean that I can't be just as beautiful.

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