While we are under the tyranny of Priests, it will ever be their ...

While we are under the tyranny of Priests, it will ever be their interest, to invalidate the law of nature and reason, in order to establish systems incompatible therewith.

I have a high priest in heaven

Eyes and Priests Bear no Jests.

Despair makes priests and friars.

I shall always be a priest of love.

Hell is paved with priests' skulls.

I wanted passionately to be a priest.

I think all priests should be married.

Back in 1994 there was no Judas Priest.

The poet is the priest of the invisible.

you [priests] are called 'another Christ.'

Yeah, I'm the go-to guy for Mexican priests.

Wherever there's trouble, look for a priest.

Priests and conjurors are of the same trade.

I don't think I'm going to be priest material.

I just wanted to be an ordinary parish priest.

The priest is the personification of falsehood.

It's the priests who have demands, not the gods.

by making himself a priest made himself a demon.

I grew up very Catholic. I wanted to be a priest.

One good schoolmaster is worth a thousand priests.

The country is not priest-ridded, but press-ridden.

Whoever truly worships the gods loves their priests.

Nothing is a sin when you obey the orders of a priest

I sort of think of myself as part priest, part clown.

The mathematicians are the priests of the modern world.

When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to become a priest.

Systems programmers are the high priests of a low cult.

In Hollywood they usually cast me as villains or priests

In Hollywood they usually cast me as villains or priests.

Had I become a priest, the sermons would've been electric!

It’s funny to hear priests and nuns argue with each other.

Priests have to have the right to say that a sin is a sin.

If you want to lose your faith, make friends with a priest.

A satirical poet is the check of the laymen on bad priests.

One good schoolmaster is of more use than a hundred priests.

Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.

[Ireland is a] country peopled by peasants, priests and pixies.

The genuine priest always feels something higher than compassion.

Priests, magistrates and ladies never quite take off their gowns.

I am neither virgin nor priest enough to play with the inner life.

Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent.

I like talking to priests, to Catholics. Everyone has their beliefs.

The only people who like to live alone more than comics are priests.

The populace judges of the power of God by the power of the priests.

Whores perform the same function as priests, but far more thoroughly.

It grieves me when I see a priest or a nun with the latest model car.

Find a priest who understands English and doesn't look like Rasputin.

I can’t tell by looking in your eyes whether you’re a priest or a crook.

We persevere because we are preserved by our High Priest's intercession.

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