Strength is a facade for the proud, weakness is a mask for the lazy.

But as bad as I am, I'm proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem

I'm so proud of who I am and where I come from and who my father is.

Proud, then, clear-eyed and laughing, go to greet Death as a friend!

Latinos are here to stay. As citizen Raquel, I'm proud to be Latina.

I've been very blessed to work in some films that I'm very proud of.

Mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends.

I am proud to be a girl, and I know that girls can change the world.

If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one.

I've done a lot of things with theater that I'm very, very proud of.

I just don't have words to express how proud I am of this race team.

Good taste doesn't exist. It is our taste. We have to be proud of it.

I look at my roommates who are so proud of me that it makes me proud.

I'm particularly proud of anything the House and the Senate agree on.

I'm proud of my invention, but I'm sad that it is used by terrorists.

Be proud of yourself. Try to eat well...and when you cheat, enjoy it!

I'm proud of being British, but I think our aristocracy is overrated.

I always want to do things in my career that would make people proud.

I'm proud of what I am and who I am, and I'm just going to be myself.

Kindness is very indigestible. It disagrees with very proud stomachs.

I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati.

I'm very proud of my roots, and I would never try not to be who I am.

Though I am not religious in the least, I am very proud to be Jewish.

Alison Lohman is an amazing actress. I was so proud to work with her.

We grew up poor, very poor, but I am very proud of where I come from.

If we are proud of our talents we betray our lack of gratitude to God.

I have the endorsement of the Sierra Club, and I'm very proud of that.

My mother taught me to walk proud and tall 'as if the world was mine.'

Judge me on what I do and I think you will be pleased and proud of me.

You always want your people to be proud of what you have accomplished.

I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me.

I may boldly speak In right, though proud oppression will not hear me!

We want to be proud when we look back on our history when we grow old.

As a Republican, I am proud of my party's rich legacy of conservation.

The Pathan people of Waziristan are proud people who I greatly admire.

Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you.

I am so proud to be the Baltimore Ravens' first Hall of Fame inductee.

So rage, proud Power: fail again! And see my blood teach Death to die!

I grew up beyond proud - we didnt have much, but we had a lot of love.

I don't have a Kate Moss body, but I'm very proud and happy with mine.

Stride with a proud disdain through the swamp of human inadmissibility.

They were fast-moving opportunists encased in cynicism and proud of it.

To tame the proud, the fetter'd slave to free, These are imperial arts.

Be proud of your scars. They remind you that you have the will to live.

I am very, very proud of being United States Champion and defending it.

Part of life is learning what to be ashamed of and what to be proud of.

Money is cool, but being proud of yourself is something that's so rare.

It's nice to share something you're really proud of and worked hard on.

It's not about working anymore, its about doing work I can be proud of.

I'm making music for music's sake, and I have an audience I'm proud of.

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