I'm Indian and proudly so.

I fly my geek flag proudly. Absolutely.

I'm a liberal Democrat, and I state that proudly.

I wear this label of a Christian filmmaker proudly.

I can proudly say that I didn't spoil my father's name.

I carry the continent of Africa on my shoulders proudly.

I identify as a woman first, but I am also proudly trans.

We are proudly a gun state and respect the Second Amendment.

I just want to show off my scar proudly and not be afraid of it.

I'm 5' 11" as I proudly say - just so I don't have to say six feet.

One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.

Let me very proudly say that as a television actor, I never, ever saw any gender bias.

If you want to call me an activist attorney general, I will proudly accept that label.

I'm proudly a crime writer, but it would be really inaccurate to call me a mystery writer.

Today, Arizona's sons and daughters, mothers and fathers are proudly serving their country.

I proudly tell people, 'I have no computer,' so as not to be ashamed of having no computer.

While I might not agree with everything Donald Trump says, I proudly stand with Donald Trump.

We have been partners in nation-building and take our role in building the nation very proudly.

I voted proudly for the first time for John Fitzgerald Kennedy for president of the United States.

Victoria is proudly the multicultural capital of Australia; we have a diverse, harmonious community.

I proudly represent Pakistan in India, and I hope that many more actors from there come and work here.

It's a lot of fun to just say to people, proudly, 'I get to play the First Lady.' It's just fun to say.

I'll proudly stand with one of the great leaders this state and country have ever produced: Rick Perry.

While racists see themselves as proudly punching down, anti-Semites perceive themselves as punching up.

There is nothing better than leaving a salon with freshly cut hair, swishing it about proudly all the way home.

For the better part of my adult life, I proudly avoided nerd/nimrod/goober status. I was always just cool enough.

I'm very proudly European. I love that we have stories to tell of a place where we come from and we can relate to.

For millennials, being a geek is a positive thing, and we see people proudly self-identifying themselves as geeks.

I like to describe myself as a proudly visible member of the most invisible segments of our society - older women.

Trying to forget or hide your mistakes is a huge error. Rather, hold them near and dear to your heart. Wear them proudly.

I can proudly say Galaxy Gear is a design statement, an engineering marvel, and something that really redefines tomorrow.

I might not earn loads, but I can proudly say that I've travelled the world, met the Queen and flown with the Red Arrows.

My mum, Jennie Buckman, was a north London Jew who, with my dad, proudly chose to raise me and my two brothers in Hackney.

When Matt Bevin tried to bully teachers and illegally cut their pensions, I proudly stood with them to fight back and win.

Mum eventually graduated with a City & Guilds certificate that hung proudly on our living room wall throughout my childhood.

I have proudly spent several periods in government, but I'm not a career politician. I come from a family of 'citizen soldiers.'

The American people and our allies around the world can rely on CIA's vigilance, excellence, and determination to proudly serve.

We wanted to make a wearable of tomorrow that is designed for everyone. I can proudly say Galaxy Gear is tomorrow's state of the art.

I have two extraordinary daughters, who, I can say proudly, are doing very well in school and in piano. Daughters are a father's joy.

We work without stars, and we proudly proclaim it. People come to Vishesh Films to work with us, and not because we can create a star.

We're often overseas, and many people sing along with our songs in Korean and tell us proudly that they studied Korean. It makes me proud.

If I get another chance to star in Hollywood movies in the future, I am going to do my best to proudly show the best of Henry to the world.

The relationship between Cathy and Mom in the strip is the one relationship drawn from real life that I have proudly never even tried to disguise.

I'm not anti-war. I served in a war, and I served proudly. But just or not, necessary or not, war is the industrial-scale slaughter of other humans.

I would love for people to know that the label 'feminist' is something that everyone should wear proudly, because it just means that you support women.

I will, proudly and by preference, do at least one picture a year for King Brothers, and I will try to make it the best picture that I have it in me to do.

The Republican Party I represented proudly for 18 years did not shy away from taking on special-interest money when it conflicted with constituents' needs.

Getting to where Delaware State is today was a challenge my friends - a challenge proudly met by the people of this community and the Delaware State family.

I work with The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. I sit proudly as one of only two recovering addicts on their board.

I proudly claim that what Modi could not succeed in Gujarat, I have done for Hyderabad to put it on the international map. None can rob that credit from me.

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