I am psychic.

I'm not psychic myself.

Clearly, I'm not psychic.

You name the TV psychic - they're con men.

I am not a psychic medium. I am a sensitive.

In a way, women are a psychic immigrant group.

I used to be psychic, but I drank my way out of it.

Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.

If it's the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number?

There is a psychic cost children bear when they grow up in fear.

People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.

Linda Georgian is a wonderful psychic. She can do amazing things.

When we judge, we are always in a psychic space which is circular.

I'm not psychic. I cannot know what is in the mind of particular public figures.

We've always said Psychic TV's music is the sum total of who's in it at the time.

Psychic, illusionist... I'm just doing the things that I find interesting and worthwhile.

I'm good at fitting in, and I think I'm fairly perceptive about moods and psychic environments.

Here's something to think about: How come you never see a headline like 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

A psychic once read my palm and told me I was my mother's mother in a past life. Isn't that weird?

We all go through phases; in one such phase, I was interested to know about the psychic phenomenon.

In politics, almost everywhere we see what looks like the externalisation of psychic wounds or deficits.

To look at ourselves from afar, to make the subjective suddenly objective: this gives us a psychic shock.

A large psychic void is left by a loss of faith. So many Catholics have tried so many things to replace it.

What I think a psychic is, unfortunately, I think in this day and age, it's taken on sort of a rancid sound.

I was interested in psychic things and in spiritualism even as a boy. I'd started doing yoga by the early 1970s.

My job is to be some sort of music/lyric psychic, to figure out that that's the right song to not fight the lyric.

I've always been quite psychic and believe there's a reason why things happen and that we need to learn from them.

'Pagan Day' was Alex Fergusson's idea. It was him that encouraged me to start making music again and start Psychic TV.

You can't know what the future holds, though you might conjecture on it, and if you're psychic, you might venture a guess.

The psychic task which a person can and must set for himself is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.

I think, psychics, there are some people that really are psychic, and it doesn't make sense, but why should it make sense?

When I was a teenager, a psychic told me, 'Your biggest challenge will be life-work balance.' That's certainly turned out to be true!

Collectively, we are in thrall to media - because they deliver to us many of the psychic goods we crave, and we know no other way to live.

The knowledge that there is a part of the psychic functions that are out of conscious reach, we did not need to wait for Freud to know this!

Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic diseases of the 20th century, and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press.

I'm trying to interpret the film through the director's head, but it all comes out through me. So, a composer is kind of like a psychic medium.

I don't believe I'm psychic, but if I can get people to focus on a specific thought, I can hack into brains and figure out what they're thinking.

We live in a period of declining stars. Few celebrities these days (aside from the smoldering Angelina Jolie) seem to have complex psychic lives.

A good way to tell if a psychic is authentic is, if they are going to verbalise these things, it should be with the intention of helping the person.

Nowadays even presidents, vice-presidents, and heads of big agencies are opening their minds to accept psychic phenomena, because they know it works.

If I put my mind to something, it happens. I do know that's not necessarily psychic. But I always feel like there's something around me protecting me.

My energies get used up quite quickly, and the psychic space I'm in when I write is a very lonely one, so I found that harder and harder to get back to.

I feel like kids are the perfect psychic investigators of their parents, and kids understand their parents' unconscious better than the parents ever do.

The term clinical depression finds its way into too many conversations these days. One has a sense that a catastrophe has occurred in the psychic landscape.

I get a little sick of these New Yorkers who want me to make some psychic thing, like 'The Left-Handed Gun.' They don't know anything about Western history.

In America all too few blows are struck into flesh. We kill the spirit here, we are experts at that. We use psychic bullets and kill each other cell by cell.

I see many black males grasping for some thread of hope. There are so many destructive practices, glimpses into a psychic abyss. That must be very frightening.

I think female-female relationships interest me so much more because they're so encoded. There is kind of a psychic element that happens within groups of women.

Observation, very general and wide-spread, has shown that small children are endowed with a special psychic nature. This shows us a new way of imparting education!

Like your home's closets, your financial clutter needs an overhaul every now and again, and the payoff will go far beyond the psychic satisfaction of neatening up.

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