I make movies. I have a passion. Puppies and daisies don't accomplish anything. That's not me at all.

I wanted to get a puppy, but then things started getting super, super busy, and I didn't have a chance.

There are all sorts of cute puppy dogs, but it doesn't stop people from going out and buying Dobermans.

On the spending, don't forget bridges and roads. It's like puppies and ice cream - who doesn't like them?

When a really cute dog shows up on your doorstep, you can't be like, Yeah, no. You're like, Oh, yay, puppy!

This morning someone sent me a very funny photo of me holding their puppy. We have matching colour jackets.

I'm just a natural flirt, but I don't see it in a sexual way. A lot of the time I'm like an overexcited puppy.

The first black girl book I fell in love with was most likely 'Please, Puppy, Please' by Spike Lee and Tonya Lee.

I have a puppy purse, and it's named after my doggie named Sammie, who is at home. It's from Poochie and Company.

Sometimes you’re just the sweetest thing. Like Christmas, summer vacation, and a brand-new puppy rolled into one.

In Spain," indeed! He would have got no closer than the Indies if I had not showed him how to do it. Stupid puppy.

I love scripts about relationships, and I love to see puppy love evolving into this mature love and communication.

Ooh. Top secret angel business, huh? What’re you going to do? Dance on a pinhead? Lobby for National Cute Puppy Day?

You can always get sympathy by using the word small. With little industries you feel as you do about a little puppy.

You'll reach into your wallet to brandish a photograph of a new puppy, and a friend will say, 'Oh, no - not pictures.

You'll reach into your wallet to brandish a photograph of a new puppy, and a friend will say, 'Oh, no - not pictures.'

I love pets and I love animals, and I just got a new puppy, a new rescue named Peanut. She's a tiny little Chihuahua mix.

I love kids, but there's always time for them later. You can always adopt; you can have a puppy. The songs are my children.

My son Matthew's beloved dog is a Jack Russell. His name is Buster. Matthew picked him as a puppy, when he was tiny himself.

My parents gave me a boxer puppy as a present. I have wanted a dog for years and must first give her attention in the morning.

She had always wanted a brother. And she had one now. Sebastian. It was like always wanting a puppy and being a hellhound instead.

I tell everyone very plainly that I take bribes, but what kind of bribes? Why, greyhound puppies. That's a totally different matter.

I don’t know nothing about birthing puppies, Miss Scarlett, but I can cleave the head off a Daimon without breaking a sweat. (Valerius)

I have to tell you I love living in a world without clocks. The shackles are gone. I’m a puppy unleashed in a meadow of time. -- Stargirl

When you see the horrible conditions that these animals live in, you wonder why operators of puppy mills have gone undetected for so long.

But with two boys and a new puppy, we don't get out much. We're usually home doing stuff together as a family, like watching 'Modern Family.'

Both humans and dogs love to play well into adulthood, and individuals from both species occasionally display evidence of having a conscience.

Watching a company develop is like watching a puppy grow. When you can watch something grow that you created - it's really an amazing feeling.

It looked something like a pen wiper and something like a piece of hearth-rug. A second and keener inspection revealed it as a Pekinese puppy.

Well, puppy mills are - it's just a name given to really, really bad dog breeding facilities and sadly, we have a lot of them in this country.

Teach your children how to behave with animals. Adopt a pet. Don't go buy one. Please. That's a sin. Let's get these puppy mills out of business.

I got really tall really quickly. I grew nine inches in one summer, and I was sort of like a Great Dane puppy, flopping around all over the place.

No one wants to read a story where I saw a cute puppy on the street and I petted it. I mean, that's not funny. I only write about the funny stuff.

Nutrition . . . has been kicked around like a puppy that cannot take care of itself. Food faddists and crackpots have kicked it pretty cruelly . . .

And that reminds me, Mama! I have just intercepted another of that puppy’s floral offerings to my sister. This billet was attached to it.” (Charles)

Every homeless puppy and kitten was born to parents who weren't spayed or neutered. I'm proud to support PETA's work to prevent animal homelessness.

I came out of retirement to run a start-up. Historically, I seldom used all of my vacation time, and the last sick day I took was in 1992. I am a sick puppy.

I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.

But also, it's a wonderful thing for children to see the birthing of puppies, to see nature at its best when it works and to have the experience of the puppies.

I think I would find being in Hollywood intense if I had more of a social life, but all I do is stay indoors with my sister and play with our puppy, watch movies.

Now, with Annie gone, I'm looking for a new dog. I have a lot of duck hunting planned, and I can't imagine doing it without a dog. I'm 84, so I won't get a puppy.

I've always wanted a Maltese-poodle, but I've always been really busy. So I said once I'm back in the city and the 'Sister Act' stuff dies down, I'm going to get a puppy.

Dissent is morally neutral. You can correctly call yourself a dissident because you like to kick puppies, but at the end of the day, you're just a jerk who likes to kick puppies.

There are so many animals in shelters that need homes. Rather than going to a breeder and buying a dog, or a puppy mill or anything like that, I've always been a big fan of adoption.

It makes one sad to see the sell-out of President Fox; really, it makes one sad. How sad that the president of a people like the Mexicans lets himself become the puppy dog of the empire.

Is puppy love the reason so many Americans are blind to the incompetence and waste of Republicans - who at a minimum are supposed to be good money managers - running Iraq reconstruction?

I felt rather exhausted, and wondered, rather shocked at my callous thought, why old people were sometimes such a strain. Worse than young children or puppies because one had to be polite.

I'm sure there were people who were disappointed that I got slimmer, but as one gets older one does often get a bit thinner. There was no great mystery: I had some puppy fat and I lost it.

I have discovered that I cannot ignore the infliction of suffering - especially for my convenience or pleasure! It's as if a puppy is being kicked in front of me. I must try to do something.

Why are you constantly escorting me places?” I say. “Isn’t there a depraved activity you’re supposed to be taking part in? Kicking puppies or spying on girls while they change, or something?

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