It is time for dead languages to keep quiet.

The most boring thing in the world? Silence.

I've always been quiet, more of an observer.

She's the quiet type who's into heavy metal.

There's no shame in enjoying the quiet life.

I'm quiet, so people might think I'm a mute.

Happiness is the quiet lull between problems.

There is no just and serene criticism as yet.

Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows.

I am a quiet man who grows through adversity.

A gentleman makes no noise; a lady is serene.

I never really necessarily liked being quiet.

They tire of quiet, that have known the storm

Follow effective action with quiet reflection.

How quiet the writing, how noisy the printing.

I enjoy working in a quiet and subversive way.

I talk too quiet, and I have to yell on stage.

Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life.

At this age, I should be leading a quiet life.

Open-mindedness is the harvest of a quiet eye.

And you try to quiet your mind so you can hear.

There is a time to be quiet and a time to talk.

In the quiet moments, the discoveries are made.

Quiet down, we don't want to wake the Russians.

You cannot be quiet about things that you know.

Childhood candor... shall I ever find you again?

The chief-justice was rich, quiet, and infamous.

I fail frequently - I just try to keep it quiet.

It's important to have quiet time and isolation.

I have a very quiet life. There's nothing weird.

I cannot keep quiet even when I am a lone voice.

I'm all for a quiet life. I just didn't get one.

In Kansas, people are reserved, quiet, taciturn.

The best of all monopoly profits is a quiet life.

Very often the quiet fellow has said all he knows

The mass of men live lives of quiet exasperation.

I like my peace and quiet whenever I can grab it.

We live in a day of slick, quiet and clever sins.

I'm looking forward to becoming older and quieter.

I like to be quiet and play guitar and just chill.

You know... when you are sad you love the sunsets.

When I'm drawing a picture, I feel...quiet inside.

Our greatest experiences are our quietest moments.

The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil.

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.

Think with awe on the slow and quiet power of time.

I want to be a person who makes a quiet difference.

When it is possible, I choose to have a quiet life.

I live quietly at home among my family and friends.

I don't like golf. It's not for me, it's too quiet.

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