No loose fish enters our quiet bay.

Quiet cunning bested boastful brawn

Film spectators are quiet vampires.

Death is the quiet haven of us all.

I'd rather not sing than sing quiet.

Just be quiet and accept the praise.

Each life needs its own quiet place.

But quiet to quick bosoms is a hell.

The quiet people just do their work.

Hitler spoke in a quiet, soft voice.

There is real comfort in being quiet.

Violence is a calm that disturbs you.

When I was a kid, I was really quiet.

I always get very calm with baseball.

Writing is not some quiet, closet act.

I was very quiet, very shy and docile.

Live so as to have a quiet conscience.

Forget things and have a quiet moment.

Yoga gave me the ability to calm down.

I love how quiet and calm Milwaukee is.

The good and the wise lead quiet lives.

True bravery is quiet, undemonstrative.

I just want to live in peace and quiet.

A quiet conscience makes one so serene.

Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools.

Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.

You never quiet the love message. Never.

A good girl is supposed to be very quiet

I'm just a quiet guy who loved to fight.

I like to have quiet evenings and relax.

But how cool, how quiet is true courage!

There are few takers for the quiet heart.

I find it easier to work when it's quiet.

In my quiet, I was working something out.

Quiet and incredible. I really envy that.

A late lark twitters from the quiet skies.

I live a generally quiet life, as it were.

It is time for dead languages to be quiet.

Vows made in storms are forgotten in calm.

To the quiet mind all things are possible.

My office. It's drab and boring but quiet.

If you must make a noise, make it quietly.

The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.

When you become quiet, it just dawns on you

Let the weary at length possess quiet rest.

I ain't quiet.. everybody else is too loud.

When you are crazy you learn to keep quiet.

It was so quiet, you could hear a pun drop.

Those who are quiet will always cause riots.

I’ve always been quiet, more of an observer.

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