I love a rack of lamb with a good bottle of red wine.

My goal has never been to see how many stats I can rack up.

Gleason used to rack balls for me when he was a kid in Brooklyn and in Long Island.

It's a lot harder to rack up a big bill on clothes and shoes than on boats and cars.

I keep recording and recording, but they always stay on the rack and never get out there.

Women like my shoes because they look good on them, not because they look good on the rack.

I don't go to the sale rack. But I wouldn't say I am decadent in my spending. I am careful.

You want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season.

The old Inquisition had its rack and its thumbscrews and its instruments of torture with iron teeth.

When I got my first check from 'Rack City,' I was like, 'Damn, I can make this much money making beats?'

Everybody knows that LeBron James is my favorite basketball player and I love the way he goes to the rack.

Everything is very individual for me in the way that I work; I don't just show a rotating rack of clothes.

The playoffs are like nothing else. The intensity is off the meat rack and I'm looking forward to going back.

The unsaid message of that endless rack of juniors' pushup bras? No matter what size you are, it still isn't good enough.

I don't know about you, but I've never been able to go into a store and buy a pair of jeans off the rack that fit perfectly.

Truth be told, I'm much more comfortable in a pair of hiking boots or with a rack of climbing gear than in front of a laptop.

Steph is the greatest shooter of all time. Shooting off the rack is not indicative of being a better shooter than Steph Curry.

I've always shopped on the sale rack, and I've always been the girl flipping through the hangers trying to find the best deal.

My parents were like, 'Oh my God,' when I said I was going into fashion - they pictured me with a rolling rack on Seventh Avenue.

With Yo Gotti 'Rack It Up,' that was him hitting me like, bro, I'm about to put out a single next month, I want you to produce it.

You will find me standing up to my rack, as the people's faithful representative, and the public's most obedient, very humble servant.

If you don't have the money management skills yet, using a debit card will ensure you don't overspend and rack up debt on a credit card.

I think that if you're lucky enough to work with a stylist who pulls a rack from the beginning that you love everything on it, that's a blessing.

When I'm on the road traveling, the things I miss most are my two children and barbecuing with friends. Rack of ribs, lamb and veal are my specialties.

For 'Death Magnetic,' I used what I always use, which is my standard touring rack, which is filled with some Boogie stuff and a Marshall that I've had forever.

My wife and I make the bed every morning, but it's a queen size bed today, as opposed to a rack, you know, a small single bed, which I had in basic SEAL training.

My kitchen's pink, like skin-tone pink, and I lowered my spice rack so it's eye level - it's true! - and my phone, so I can reach it when I fall, it's right there.

It's very important to me that I look good when I go out publicly. I like looking at my clothes rack in the morning and deciding what to pick out. I enjoy fashion.

We see fighters fight their whole career and never get a title shot. It doesn't matter if they rack up 10 wins if people think they're boring. We all know how it works.

And you know, the baby boomers are getting older, and those off the rack clothes are just not fitting right any longer, and so, tailor-made suits are coming back into fashion.

What's just about a generation of people who rack up government debt for their own health care and retirement - while leaving their children and grandchildren to foot the bill?

Knowing that the 'Sex and the City' chicks now rack up almost two centuries between them, why do some of us fuss and hiss about a bit of retouching on their forthcoming film poster?

My father said, 'Aren't you going to do anything to help people? We have a whole rack of relatives who are always breaking the law. At least help your relatives.' And so that's what I did.

I'm a creative person, and I've got a lot of ideas. People probably thought that my mentality was quick fame because I made 'Rack City' and it blew up fast, but I have over 1,000 songs recorded.

Why crown your own rack of pork when a butcher could do it for you? To start, it's way easier to brine two individual racks than a giant round crown (and yes, you definitely want to brine the meat).

Like most people, I used to wear clothing off the rack. But having them fitted to me makes a really big difference, especially with pieces like a cocktail dress. Little nips and tucks can take 10 pounds off you.

In the little hall leading to it was a rack holding various Socialist or radical newspapers, tracts, and pamphlets in very small print and on very bad paper. The subjects treated were technical Marxist theories.

People always say 'Etta, you know what your problem is? You're neither fish nor fowl. There is no place to rack you.' When I would go in a record shop, you might find one or two records by me in different stacks.

I really like the idea of being utilitarian. My dream is to edit down my wardrobe and be very Japanese, where you have one rolling rack and it's like your four T-shirts, your five dresses, your two pairs of jeans.

I think I could walk into any music shop anywhere and with a guitar off the rack, a couple of basic pedals and an amp I could sound just like me. There's no devices, customized or otherwise, that give me my sound.

I think every girl should have a tailor in her phone. It's part of why we beat ourselves up, or why shopping is so frustrating and hard: we have this assumption that when you take something off the rack, it will fit you.

Qualified software engineers, managers, marketers and salespeople in Silicon Valley can rack up dozens of high-paying, high-upside job offers any time they want, while national unemployment and underemployment is sky high.

I was working at Nordstrom Rack, Borders Books, and I was cleaning yachts on the weekends for private parties and being a busboy. I had to break down the tables and roll the forks up in napkins. And I was still doing standup.

Oracle is obsessed with security. It's an absolute requirement for all our products. The real security issue is when customers take older products that were not built for the Internet, and kind of rack them and put them on the Internet.

I've got a 20 inch neck, a narrow waist and big bulging thighs so stuff off the rack doesn't fit. It's a nightmare to shop for shirts and trousers that are going to fit, because they'll be tight in one place and all baggy everywhere else.

Never wear a seersucker suit straight off the rack. It's going to look shapeless and droopy. If you're going to sport seersucker, whether a jacket, trousers or a full suit, have it fitted. A nice, custom, tailored fit makes all the difference in the world.

Banks will fee you to death. If you bounce a check, the bank has a policy to re-post the check three more times to see if it will be paid. If it continues to bounce they charge a $30 overdraft every time. So, one bounced check will rack up $90 for the bank.

All those spices and herbs in your spice rack can do more than provide calorie-free, natural flavorings to enhance and make food delicious. They're also an incredible source of antioxidants and help rev up your metabolism and improve your health at the same time.

On TV at night, I DVR lots of programs - I use it more like a magazine rack flipping through shows than actually watching them in full. 'Charlie Rose,' 'Meet the Press,' '60 Minutes' are musts for me. I also DVR 'NBC's Nightly News' and 'The Chris Matthews Show' on Sunday.

With all the lead tape, my racquet is heavier than the model you're going to find off the rack. It's got most of its weight in the throat of the racquet; it's not too head-heavy. I don't like the feeling of a racquet that's so head-heavy I can't maneuver it around so well.

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