Rush out in the rain to be soaked with the sky.

There’s a 30% chance that it’s already raining.

No matter how hard it rains, withstand the pain.

The solution to our water problems is more rain.

Come on with the rain / I’ve a smile on my face.

I have never coasted down a hill of frozen rain.

When did Noah build the boat? - Before the rain.

We hovered above the moment like two rain clouds

Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.

Lord, I believe it's raining all over the world.

For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun...

I’m just kinda tired. Like a monkey in the rain.

In rain during a dark night, enter that darkness.

When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.

Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade?

What starts in clouded minds finishes in the rain

Tears fall in my heart As tears fall on the town.

Taylor: what do you hear? Daisy: Nothing but rain

Got a head full of lightning, a hat full of rain.

Don’t spit down my back and tell me it’s raining.

Tears fall in my heart like the rain on the town.

A life without rain is like the sun without shade.

For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched.

I love the rain and everything about the monsoons!

There's always a rainbow at the end of every rain.

I'm tired, it's raining, and I am not a waterlily.

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

Predicting rain doesn't count. Building arks does.

If charisma were rain, Blackman would be a desert.

To appreciate the sun you gotta know what rain is.

Nothing reminds us of an awakening more than rain.

Though rain curses the window let the poem be made.

The rain on my chest is a baptism - I'm born again.

'Purple Rain,' the album, is a great guitar record.

Tears harden lust, though marble wear with raining.

Oft a little morning rain Foretells a pleasant day.

Don't wish,"said Rain, "don't start. Wishing only...

The same rain that drowns the rat will grow the hay.

In a drop of rain can be seen the colors of the sun.

Don't tell me it's raining when you're peeing on me!

A meal without mushrooms is like a day without rain.

One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.

When it rains, it pours - figuratively and literally

If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain.

Who needs the sun, when the rain is so full of life?

I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face.

Invariably our best nights were those when it rained.

If you want the rainbow, then you must have the rain.

...his hoofbeats fall like rain, over and over again.

It was raining cats and dogs, and I fell in a poodle.

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