Maintain a receptive attitude!

Van Gaal is receptive to other people's ideas.

Ideas come to people who are receptive to them.

To meditate is to listen with a receptive heart.

The more mature we are, the more receptive we are.

The Tamil audience is more receptive to unusual endings.

As always, I am receptive to whatever doors God may open.

One of the things I've learned is to be receptive of feedback.

Intelligent players are receptive and capable of implementation.

My family was very, very receptive to all; all races, religions.

Be loving, and you will be lovable. Be open and receptive to love.

Let us open our leaves like a flower, and be passive and receptive.

To the receptive soul the river of life pauseth not, nor is diminished.

Politicians are, in general, receptive to those who make the most noise.

It's extremely important to have a loyal fan base and be receptive to them.

I think Chennaiites are the best because the city has a receptive audience.

The audience will always be receptive to good music if they are provided that.

What helps me go forward is that I stay receptive, I feel that anything can happen.

'Roots' did show that the audience would be receptive to black talent and a black story.

When people are smiling they are most receptive to almost anything you want to teach them.

I loved working with Cena. He was always receptive to my ideas, even if they weren't good.

I'm very receptive to direction, to change, and to developing myself as an artist and human.

I've done many rallies and it's been super-charged, highly charged. People are very receptive.

Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal.

The best part about an actor is that they should firstly be receptive and secondly be expressive.

Through some combination of culture and biology, our minds are intuitively receptive to religion.

When I go and teach, it sort of opens me up in some way. And when you're open, you're more receptive.

I'm glad that Singaporeans were receptive to my message and have elected me to serve as their president.

Conspiracies are a perennial favorite for television producers because there is always a receptive audience.

I think we, the Republicans, have been mistyped as unfriendly to minorities and not receptive to minority views.

I'm just very pleased and thankful that there was a receptive audience of people that I was able to connect with.

Art, film, fashion, music are all going on and interacting simultaneously. And L.A. is very receptive to that fusion.

There are millions of people who do want help. I'm not going to waste my time convincing people who aren't receptive.

If a player is receptive and really wants to learn and improve, you might be surprised what they are capable of doing.

It is perhaps when our lives are at their most problematic that we are likely to be most receptive to beautiful things.

I would love the record industry to be more receptive to my music but all they are interested in is style over content.

Once you have surrendered yourself, you make yourself receptive. In receiving from God, you are perfected and completed.

It is as impossible to withhold education from the receptive mind, as it is impossible to force it upon the unreasoning.

You always have something to learn from people who have been through more than you. Be open and receptive to what they know.

A lot of times, bands will go on tour, and people only wanna hear the hits. Luckily, our fans are receptive to our new stuff.

I have learned to listen and to hone my instincts to be perceptive and be receptive to change, to constantly live in ambiguity.

I think people have been really receptive to understanding that I've grown up and the music's going to sound a little different.

The biggest effect celebrity had on me was that I stopped being open and receptive and started to walk around with my head down.

I like Manchester - I've played it many times. The people have a lot of chein, a lot of heart, and the audiences are very receptive.

CEOs who boldly lean into fulfilling the dual mandate of earning profits and providing societal benefits will find a receptive public.

Flash turns up the optical volume so that whatever lies behind the lens - be it film or a digital sensor - is a little more receptive.

I learned the enormous power of writing for yourself, especially now that people seem to be receptive to the fact that women can write.

I think the greatest reward you get as a writer is finding that people who are reasonably receptive and intelligent have liked your book.

I think that if you keep your eyes and your ears open and you are receptive to learning, there are skills you can get from any job at all.

You become more animalistic when you don't know what's coming next - you have to be on guard, but at the same time you're also more receptive.

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