Fashion is a mirror, reflecting the culture.

Fans be reflecting the way I be making music.

I wear clothes reflecting the color of my soul!

Knowledge is ancient error reflecting on its youth.

I am just reflecting the times. I can't ignore them.

Instead of reflecting on the past, predict the future.

Reflecting the truth sounds easy, but sometimes it's not.

In reflecting on our problems, we should include ourselves.

To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

Artists also have the responsibility of reflecting the truth.

I feel like a mirror reflecting back everyone's perception of me.

I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.

I'm always writing and reflecting on life. I want to suck it all in.

The world is becoming more global, and our music is reflecting that.

I don't do a lot of reflecting. I'm usually about getting on with it.

True contemplation is reflecting on the blessings of God in your life.

God's art speaks of Himself, reflecting who He is and what He is like.

When the comedy community turned on me, I had a lot of reflecting to do.

It is only by reflecting on the past that one can create a better future.

I titled the album Reflections because I am reflecting on my music career.

There's so much diversity on TV. It's actually reflecting American culture.

Naming an emotion begins the process of regulating it and reflecting on it.

If you hate the Jewish people, you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ.

They were each like a mirror for the other, reflecting the changes in themselves.

Inside you're like some kind of mirror, reflecting everything without absorbing it.

Reflecting on where I came from helps me to appreciate and balance what I have now.

When we are reflecting on terrorism we can grieve for many things we do and have done.

A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses and emotions of the artist's world.

The Gaian process is more than a process. It is s self-reflecting entelechy of some sort.

As we have more women in power, so the plays and the TV dramas are reflecting what's happening.

Much testing, much reflecting, much living must intervene before we can say, 'My soul is my own.

A newspaper is a mirror reflecting the public, a mirror more or less defective, but still a mirror.

I am not a politics wonk. I like the idea of my writing reflecting more about who I am or other people.

Develop wisdom in sales by reflecting on your experience, and learning everything you can from every call.

In medicine, we spend billions each year on doing and a fraction of that amount on listening and reflecting.

I had moments of my actions and words not reflecting who it is I am - if that defines a punk, then yes, absolutely.

Reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn't functional. It was pretty, pretty dysfunctional, and whose isn't?

Worship starts with seeing something great and then reflecting it to the world. Let's see God so we can reflect God.

I work day-to-day on C# and .Net and work at home two days a week so I can do deep thinking, writing and reflecting.

Lots of people feel that I am a fake. But I know that my smile and twinkle exist, reflecting the glow of my creator.

If you think of human experience as a pie, then the wedge Hollywood is reflecting now is getting smaller and smaller.

My act is pretty much me reflecting on what I want to talk about and what I think is funny and what has happened to me.

I could look in everyone's faces and see them reflecting on how much time has passed and all the things we went through.

Fiction can either be a mirror reflecting you back to yourself or it can be a clean pane of glass looking on the outside.

The modern mind always tends to reduce the greater to the lesser rather than seeing the lesser as reflecting the greater.

If it were up to me, I'd rather create things that last long-term, but my thrill comes from reflecting what's going on now.

I think Anna and the King is a look at Asia from the Asian perspective, reflecting the Asian experience, which is very rare.

This is a fickle industry. Here today, gone tomorrow. I don't want to spend all the time reflecting. I want to spend it doing.

If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them.

With a true Brexiteer at the helm, Parliament will have to start reflecting public opinion rather than flying in the face of it.

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