I have relatives in New York.

I had no blood relatives till I made some.

My Greek relatives I think probably are vampires.

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

Fate chooses our relatives, we choose our friends.

I live very well, but I support a lot of relatives.

It's hard not to be impressed by my older relatives.

I'm just raising money. Dead presidents are my relatives.

I can't think of any relatives that ever went into science.

My relatives used to laugh when I talked of being a writer.

God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.

My mother is from Chennai, and I have a lot of relatives here.

God gives us our relatives, thank God we can choose our friends.

You know, all my songs are relatives, brothers, sisters, cousins.

All of my relatives on both sides of my family are from Allentown.

I enjoy slaughtering beasts, and I think of my relatives constantly.

My mother and father and many of my relatives had been sharecroppers.

When in doubt, you bring in relatives. Nepotism is a part of my work.

My family and relatives alone could fill Shanmukhananda Hall in Bombay.

Ever since I was five, I had told my relatives I wanted to be an actress.

For our immediate family and relatives, Canada was a land of opportunity.

It isn't necessary to have relatives in Kansas City in order to be unhappy.

Never stay with friends or relatives. You end up living on their schedules.

Loving relatives and home-cooked meals are solid levees against a recession.

Relatives cannot help you in the studios. You stand or fall by your own efforts.

My cousins and relatives are from Punjab, and we always speak in Punjabi at home.

Feel what you feel, know what you know, and set your relatives free to do the same.

After Katrina, no one was the same. People, relatives, they were dying one after another.

We still lend our old house out to relatives. They keep a guest book for my fans to sign.

I've always been known in my family as the one who imitates the crazy Dominican relatives.

I've never been a fan of loans between relatives or friends. They can divide relationships.

My father was killed by a German mine, while I lost other relatives in Allied bombing attacks.

When I came to America from Sweden, Mother and I, we went to Chicago where our relatives lived.

Unfortunately, inner feelings and potential are often stunted by our parents, relatives or peers.

I don't mind having these relatives. I'll give them a little, since they all prayed for my victory.

Many of the Kuomintang elite in Taiwan have relatives among the ruling elite here on mainland China.

If there is anyone dependent on your income - parents, children, relatives - you need life insurance.

During childhood, I spent every summer vacation, visiting relatives in Chamoli district in Uttarkhand.

Welsh women aren't the most tactile unless they're your relatives. And then you don't want them to be.

Why do all our friends and relatives destroy the summer for us? Why can't they get married in February?

Eating well, being around the table with the family or friends or relatives - it doesn't get any better.

I believe one's relatives are the most important people of all, they form a protective circle around you.

My sister and I were born in San Francisco. When our parents died, we came down here to live with relatives.

Every man sees in his relatives, and especially in his cousins, a series of grotesque caricatures of himself.

I've had tons of incredible conversations with people who say they got married or buried relatives to my songs.

Coming home for me isn't, like, one family dinner. It's about am I gonna see 50 relatives, or am I gonna see 85?

All my summer and Puja vacations were spent in Calcutta with my didima and a host of other relatives and friends.

I had been working with a community of survivors who had lost their relatives and were too scared to talk about it.

I have a lot of relatives that were dancers and musicians and artists. They basically came out of the womb doing it.

My immediate family are from the West Indies - from Trinidad and Grenada - and I have relatives all over the Caribbean.

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