Coffee isn't just a source of pleasure for me: it is something I rely on to get me through the day.

Being married is such a blessing, and my wife has been a rock. I rely on her for emotional support.

We don't need subsidized corporate welfare schemes that rely on endless bailouts from the taxpayer.

When I was younger, I didn't work hard because I could rely on my talent. That's not the right way.

I rely on swing to get wickets, and I continue to do it that way. I have never tried to copy others.

The works I made at the start of my career rely on the themes of war, atomic power, and outer space.

In rough times, pathfinders rely on work, friends, humor and prayer. They develop a support network.

Too often today, we do not rely on faith so much as on our own ability to reason and solve problems.

There's so many factors that go into a Super Bowl championship that rely heavily on the organization.

I didn't grow up with a mother, so I don't have that resource to rely on and ask a million questions.

We never really know what people are capable of until the only person they can rely on is themselves.

Alternative cartoonists have to rely on comic book stores to get their stuff in the hands of readers.

We believe defending is very much a team job, and we can't just rely on a back four and a goalkeeper.

I rely on breakfast to give me a kickstart of energy in the morning, so I choose my foods accordingly.

A wise ruler should rely on what is under his own control, not on what is under the control of others.

I don't think God makes mistakes and I think that women have to not rely on men to define their worth.

For these reasons, women tend to rely more heavily on Social Security in their retirement than do men.

Our seniors' retirement should never rely on the bull of political promises or the bear of the market.

Scientific careers rely on inheritance, environment, and random events, like all biological phenomena.

I rely heavily on rhythm when I write. You should tap your foot when you read it, all the way through.

I feel very lucky that I don't have to rely on a man to give me financial security. That's a big deal.

You have to make your vote count. You can't rely on somebody else to cast the vote for the opposition.

Many states rely on sales tax as their principle source of revenue and do not have a State income tax.

American advertisers rely on 'essentially illogical' approaches to determine their advertising budgets.

Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life's greatest tests alone.

It just makes everything more pleasurable when you've got someone that emotionally is there to rely on.

I don't want to rely on one thing. Being good at everything, that's how you earn your spot on the floor.

I love huge movies. Not sure I am the guy to make them, but you can rely on me being there watching them.

GM is a highly collaborative organization; we rely on a whole tier of suppliers for everything that we do.

Only when we cease to rely on our own strength can we discover that God's strength is always there for us.

The more confidence I get with making music, the more I feel like I can just rely on myself to fulfill me.

I really rely on knowing how to apply make-up properly, rather than slapping it on and hoping for the best.

I rely on poetry or literature to keep me centered before I go onstage because it reminds me to be present.

You have to accept as an architect to be exposed to criticism. Architecture should not rely on full harmony.

I've always been brought up to stand on my own two feet and not rely too heavily on everyone else around me.

I come from a much freer kind of performance thing, where I rely on my own improv and my own sense of humor.

We have the First Amendment to rely on whenever an elected official tries to impinge on our rights to speak.

When you're a general manager, you don't get to see every single player, so you have to rely on your scouts.

You cannot rely on the police, you cannot rely on the government, you cannot rely on the bank to protect you.

God never intended for us to rely on others for our sense of well being. Only He is equipped to provide that.

Acting is mathematics for me. I do very little homework and rather rely on my imagination for playing a role.

As naturally athletic as I'm gifted to be, where certain things came easily, I always rely on my brain first.

I used to rely on black-and-white, and while I was working on 'Smile,' I learned to adapt to color on my end.

I'm becoming a more complete player. I have more shots. I can rely more on my putting, rely on my short game.

Television theatre, as is implied in its name, should rely on adaptations of scripts written for the theatre.

My hope is to be a trusted utensil for viewers. Like, literally, 'That thing works. I can rely on that thing.'

Almost half of all Latinas currently on Social Security rely exclusively on their benefit check in retirement.

Our show doesn't rely on the typical whistles and bells, and smoke and mirrors. It relies mostly on the music.

I'm going to rely upon the advice of affordable housing experts to make sure we meet the public's expectations.

I like consistency. If you've had a childhood like mine, you want some things you can rely on to stay the same.

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