Servers make very little in regular wages and largely rely on tips to pay the bills and budget for weeks ahead.

I want to establish myself as someone who can act and doesn't have to rely on my figure or modelling background.

It's crucial we know the facts and science, but it's naïve to rely on them alone to build a movement for change.

The best advice I get is actually from my family and friends. That has been a huge resource I've come to rely on.

A good designer must rely on experience, on precise, logic thinking; and on pedantic exactness. No magic will do.

There's definitely an obstacle in developing a brand for yourself that people can rely on when you're so eclectic.

Restore human legs as a means of travel. Pedestrians rely on food for fuel and need no special parking facilities.

The OHL compared to the NHL playoffs, I don't think they really compare. You can't really rely on that experience.

I know I have a left foot that was probably gifted to me by God, or someone up there, and I can always rely on it.

People put limitations on their creativity, believing they have to rely on what they know and what they have done.

I am now trying to trust the universe to take care of me and not necessarily rely on other people to make me happy.

We rely more on enthusiasm than actual skill. Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically and people will like it more.

Who am I? If this once I were to rely on a proverb, then perhaps everything would amount to knowing whom I 'haunt.'

Clearly, the decision-making that we rely on in society is fallible. It's highly fallible, and we should know that.

In photo shoots, I rely on instinct. Which is not to say I don't bring ideas to a project or consider it beforehand.

As a writer, you rely on whatever makes you up as a person, whether those things are twisted and nasty or otherwise.

I surround myself with great people. I listen to what they have to say. But at the end of the day, I rely on my gut.

My definition of family is just unconditional love. The people who rely on you and who love you, they are there, too.

I want to be the horse in the rotation that everybody can really rely on and is going to get that consistent starter.

We don't need flashy cars, impressive titles, uniforms, or other status symbols. We rely on our strength and our will!

He who relies solely on warlike measures shall be exterminated; he who relies solely on peaceful measures shall perish.

We all trust each other to some extent. We have to rely on experts to some extent, but we should learn to be sceptical.

Being able to rely on the matches I've won - at first they surprised me - but I've slowly been able to build confidence.

I really do like being independent, and I don't want to have to rely on anyone else to cart me around if I break a bone.

Accomplishment is socially judged by ill defined criteria so that one has to rely on others to find out how one is doing.

In democratic republics such as ours, citizens rely on public criticism of ideas and people to determine national policy.

Critical thinking relies on content, because you can't navigate masses of information if you have nothing to navigate to.

When everyone turned away, the only person I could turn to was God within myself, and that is what I continue to rely on.

Anything you rely on can become a crutch. And disabled or not, when you rely on something, that is what will cripple you.

A player cannot rely only on his name to make a difference but also has to work hard and make things happen on the pitch.

It's unprecedented in the post-World War II era to have the leader of Germany say, 'Oh we can't rely on America anymore.'

North Jersey residents rely on mass transit to get to work and our entire region is interconnected by our transit system.

To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics.

Humans are vulnerable and rely on the kindnesses of the earth and the sun; we exist together in a sacred field of meaning.

You rely on a sentence to say more than the denotation and the connotation; you revel in the smoke that the words send up.

Proper sleep has helped me get to where I am today as an athlete, and it is something that I continue to rely on every day.

Jim Crow had unintended benefits. It forced blacks to build and rely on their own economic, educational and social systems.

I think it's a mistake to rely too much on any one economic factor. It's why investors try to spread their portfolio round.

I want people to see that you don't need to rely on other people to make your dreams happen: you have to grab them yourself.

When you're only source of income is a $20 allowance and you rely on a Razor scooter to get around, life's not that serious.

Women, as they grow older, rely more and more on cosmetics. Men, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of humor.

Being a songwriter does not rely on an audience or other band members or a camera. I can just sit in a room and write songs.

Most national correspondents will tell you they rely on stringers and researchers and interns and clerks and news assistants.

Most sitcoms and cartoons, especially, you can rely on, because they go back to square one at the beginning of every episode.

Do not rely on unplanned music; it comes out as though it were planned, but planned by someone you cross the street to avoid.

I think it's huge, especially in team sports, for players to be able to rely on each other and to really trust in each other.

We are all built differently. Some guys are more powerful. Some guys are very tall. I'm not very tall, so I rely on quickness.

I completely and utterly rely on my mum. Without my mum, I would not be anywhere at all. I'd literally just be a couch potato.

How does the GOP repeal and replace Obamacare without cutting the benefits upon which millions of Americans have come to rely?

Often when I'm trying to make tough decisions, I rely on the lessons my father taught me and ask myself, 'What Would Tony Say?'

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