I rescue people.

I have seven rescue dogs.

Only death rescues us from dying.

Design cannot rescue failed content.

God uses rescued people to rescue people.

A drowning person doesn't rescue herself.

Work at first rescues us, then ravages us.

Rescue is costly, but LOVE pays the price.

Be your own flying saucer! Rescue yourself!

We've got to rescue our democracy by using it.

We donate a lot of food to rescue organizations.

Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.

I have a pit bull. He's a rescue. He's adorable.

Whoever strenuously endeavors, him we can rescue.

Run to the rescue with love/and peace will follow

I'd like to rescue people in trouble, like Superman.

Why would you want to do anything else but rescue a pet?

I'm the computer operator for Operation Rescue National.

Maybe he thinks he can rescue me? No one is that stupid.

The best rescues of all leave a family in a better place.

Firefighters and rescue workers are American superheroes.

You cannot have Jesus' rescue without accepting His rule.

There's not going to be a 'Rescue Me' movie. Not a chance.

Never grow weary in the fight to rescue the most forgotten.

I'm a cat person, I'm a dog person, I work in wildlife rescue.

Bleep if I was going to stage a rescue in a freaking pantsuit.

Let's face it: Some of us need our burly men to come rescue us.

I work with the Humane Society a lot and have three rescue cats.

Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?

When articulation is impossible, gesticulation comes to the rescue.

Men just want women they can rescue. And I refuse to be one of them.

The passion of rescue reveals the highest dynamic of the human soul.

If I would rescue one of my movies, it would be 'A Little Princess.'

God did not rescue me out of the pain, He rescued me through the pain!

Love has the power to rescue us and not let go, otherwise it isn't love

When you go looking for rescue, you end up trapped in your own weakness.

What with your friend you nobly share, At least you rescue from your heir.

The perfect rescue dog is out there for everybody. You just have to find it.

The faster you can signal for rescue, the faster you get out of that situation.

The first crocodile I ever caught was at nine years of age, and it was a rescue.

I have a yellow labrador, Tuffy, and a little rescue dog, Bella, who is the boss.

The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power.

All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained in the dog.

Reaching out to rescue one another under ANY condition is an eternal measure of love.

Rejecting joy to stand in solidarity with the suffering doesn't rescue the suffering.

Jack leaped over the gate, his sword aflame. To vanquish his foe and rescue his love.

On 'Bar Rescue,' failure is not an option. I have to try to turn the business around.

I'm working as hard as I can to get a rescue dog into the White House. It'd be a dream.

God rescues us by breaking us, by shattering our strength and wiping out our resistance.

I have a rescue dog named Fideo, which means 'noodle' in Spanish, and a cat named Hutch.

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