MTV ruined music for us.

Pride ruined the angels.

Success has ruined many a man.

No girl was ever ruined by a book.

No nation was ever ruined by trade.

The war has ruined us for everything.

It is a ruined-world, a nonsense-place.

No nation has ever been ruined by trade.

We come from ruins, but we're not ruined.

Talk radio has almost ruined the sports fan.

Another man whose social life has ruined him.

A just cause is not ruined by a few mistakes.

I'll tell you, Nashville ruined country music.

I ruined my health drinking to other people's.

It's that show Friends. Ruined coffee forever.

Most reputations are not ruined but forgotten.

"Abroad," that large home of ruined reputations.

Christianity ruined emperors, but saved peoples.

Avarice has ruined more souls than extravagance.

Many have been ruined by buying good Pennyworths.

The women's movement ruined a permanent vacation.

To have ruined one's self over poetry is an honour

The character of a people may be ruined by charity.

A man of genius has been seldom ruined but by himself.

Having two bathrooms ruined the capacity to co-operate.

Unless you remove the weeds, a good crop will be ruined.

My first marriage was ruined by feminist indoctrination.

The Monkees changed my life but ruined my acting career.

Jesus ruined every funeral he attended including his own.

My father ruined me for men. Not many can live up to him.

A person is ruined by taking the measure of other persons.

I am undone! I have smashed the waggon. [I have ruined all.]

Time has ruined a lot of the way we eat and we approach food.

Even if you have loved only once in your life, you're ruined.

The czar always got his dues, no matter if it ruined a family.

To me, the thing that has always ruined Jane Fonda is her voice.

Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.

If I go to a restaurant, other people stare. The meal is ruined.

It is not poverty so much as pretense that harasses a ruined man.

I ruined my hands in the ring. The referee kept stepping on them.

Many a good newspaper story has been ruined by over verification.

Most publishers, like most writers, are ruined by their successes.

English artists are usually entirely ruined by residence in Italy.

Who ya gonna call?" "Ghostbusters!" "That phrase is ruined forever.

We go to Dubai quite a lot, so I've seen it being gradually ruined.

I can say without melodrama or malice that Hollywood ruined my life.

I find that a lot of child actors are ruined once they've done a job.

Dr Weiss, at forty, knew that her life had been ruined by literature.

My life won't be ruined if I don't achieve all of my political goals.

If politics is a game of shrewd and knowing men, Trump has ruined it.

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