I give a tenth of my salary to charity every month, so in terms of giving back, I do my best.

Oh, my goodness, when we came to the farm in 1961, I mean, it wouldn't even support one salary.

Italian sides will find it hard to attract the world's top players while there is a salary cap.

Whenever a critic mentions the salary of an actor, I'm thinking, He's not talking about the movie.

If you want to win in this league, you need quality depth management, in the age of the salary cap.

A month's salary, deep regret, the telephone number of some foul rehab clinic and my lance was free.

You can't make somebody understand something if their salary depends upon them not understanding it.

In my first start-up, I didn't get any salary for four years, so I had to move back with my parents.

Sometimes I think, 'Oh, I wish I just had a nice job where you're getting a salary.' Just sometimes.

Massive potential you have and, in recognition of all this, would you mind having your salary halved.

What I promise to my actors, and to my director, is to give them the salary and everything they need.

I make a star's salary when I do horror, because I can still open a movie in Italy or Spain or Germany.

Try to save something while your salary is small; it's impossible to save after you begin to earn more.

Now I get a very nice salary as a member of Congress, but when I'm in Washington, I sleep in my office.

Try saving when your salary is low. So after making more money, you will not be able to do this anywhere

Bureaucrats live on the fat of the land, while the rest of us stay skinny laboring to pay their salaries.

I sell my first book to Random House, a memoir of my years as a war photographer, for twice my NBC salary.

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

I have no salary from the Lugar Center. Essentially, the moneys we have received has been from foundations.

Don't be afraid of imperilling your health by giving a few extra hours to the company that pays your salary!

The fact that somebody is reducing your salary is just telling me they're not satisfied with what you're doing.

I didn't decide I was crazy until 1952. That's when I began making a steady salary and could afford to be crazy.

If Congress is unable to do its job and pass a federal budget, then I do not believe we should receive a salary.

Salary negotiations shouldn't be limited to just salary. Salary pays your mortgage, but terms build your career.

I made $70,000 in the 1990s, when I was a corporate lawyer. I didn't see that salary again until I was on MSNBC.

I became a hero after V Shantaram cast me in 'Geet Gaya Pattharon Ne.' He paid me a monthly salary of 100 rupees!

TV that people will never see, that giant international corporations will never touch, will never pay your salary.

Between the money and the illegal merchandise, Bones was getting millions. No wonder he laughed at my salary. -Cat

I think my top salary was maybe in 1966. I made $17,000 and 11 of that came from selling other players' equipment.

I don't clean, I don't make the bed. I spend my salary. I worry a lot. I just don't worry about socks on the floor.

I'm trying to set a good example. I don't need to take a high salary, which would impede the success of Morningstar.

All mothers sacrifice so much for their kids. So, I think it is the job of a mother that deserves the highest salary.

I don't get paid a salary, but I do like to go by private plane because it saves a lot of time and is very efficient.

Whether it's salary or a promotion or a job, I think it's important for women to ask for what they think they deserve.

Salary arbitration is probably in place - was put in place then and probably is in place now - because I supported it.

We should have a debt that grows our productivity, we cant borrow to pay salaries. I can borrow to build power plants.

The Oscar changed everything. Better salary, working with better people, better projects, more exposure, less privacy.

For the first few years we paid all the bills first and divided what was left as salary. Sometimes that was $50 a week.

Frankly, any city person who doesn't think I deserve a white-collar salary as a farmer doesn't deserve my special food.

TV is sort of the only way to go for an actress my age to make a decent salary; with independent films, you just can't.

I've always been petrified of working for a boss who I didn't like but who I was in fear of, because I wanted my salary.

Asking what I considered an impossible salary when I didn't want to work for someone has boosted my pay again and again.

My family was poor. My father was in the police force and was drawing a small salary. Because of that I could not study.

Professional baseball is on the wane. Salaries must come down or the interest of the public must be increased in some way.

I'm the first to admit this whole salary thing is getting out of control. In the final analysis, it's still about the work.

Owners never paid my salary. I always recognized that it was the people in the seats who did. I always wanted to give my best.

I love beating the men. When I beat 'em in the ratings, when I beat 'em in the salary, I always say, 'One more for the girls.'

You vote yourselves salaries out of the public funds and care only for your own personal interests; hence the state limps along.

We have no salaries. When one says he is from a good Catholic family and says he wants to help us, why should we refuse his offer?

If you were my agent and I was making $10 million a movie and made four movies a year, that means you have a salary of $4 million.

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