Enjoy every sandwich.

I make a mean tuna fish sandwich.

I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

My first job was as a sandwich artist at Subway.

Too few people understand a really good sandwich.

I made the first sandwich before entering college.

Hors D'oeuvre: A ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.

Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise.

It's a Tim sandwich. The meat is fresh, but the bread is moldy.

The best thing I can make is a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.

Room service is great if you want to pay $500 for a club sandwich.

A month before the season, I don't order fries with my club sandwich.

To think of Tolstoy eating a sandwich is intrinsically kind of funny.

You don't need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich.

A sandwich needn't be loaded with bacon or ham to make it a serious feast.

My favourite dinner is a cup of tea and a ham sandwich with English mustard.

I used to think that eating healthy was ordering a fish sandwich at McDonalds.

Anytime someone orders a pastrami sandwich on white bread, somewhere a Jew dies.

I know people think I invented the Victoria sandwich, but I'm really not that old.

I naturally favour a clean, healthy diet. A salad sandwich is one of my favourite meals!

When you're poor, an egg sandwich is dinner and you cut your potatoes with a butter knife.

I don't know what would happen to me if I ate a bacon sandwich, but I'm just not interested.

I'm not a sandwich store that only sells turkey sandwiches. I sell a lot of different things.

When I'm in the mood for room service, my favorite order is a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich.

I have days where the only words I say are to the person making my sandwich at the grocery store.

When I'm at craft services, I make the best-tasting, 10-layer meat and cheese sandwich with no bread.

Sometimes I dress like what I want for lunch, because all I can think about is having a tuna sandwich.

I eat a lot. I'm a big sandwich dude. Turkey, mayonnaise, mustard, cheese, yes. I love craft services.

I hope we're not barred from Argentina - I'd quite like to go back for another ham and cheese sandwich.

But, you know, it's still a drag to get your picture taken when you're eating a sandwich. It's a downer.

We can switch on the light at any time and make a sandwich. A great amount of people eat around the clock.

While they're still warm, I like to sandwich a chocolate chip cookie with raspberry stracchiatella gelato.

I am a Southern girl at heart, so I have a pulled pork sandwich and Key lime pie every day. It's a problem.

When I was about ten years old, I gave my teacher an April Fool's sandwich, which had a dead goldfish in it.

We want a system that creates the same exact sandwich, very rapidly and very consistently, every single time.

There's nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex.

I always like to find those little mom-and-pop sandwich places, or diners. Those are my favorite kind of places.

On a day I start, I have a turkey sandwich for lunch. I don't consider it a ritual, but I'm anxious on those days.

My father always made an amazing meatloaf, and I've inherited his skill. Leftover meatloaf in a sandwich? Come on!

I like using iconic things. What fine dining restaurant can get you to eat a breakfast sandwich that's like baby food?

It's nice to be home - I go to the same old sandwich shop around the corner, I go to the movies, I do what I like to do.

Back when we started, people didn't even know what a submarine sandwich was. The product was only sold in a few markets.

My high-school papers, my college-application essays, read like Norman Mailer packed in a crunchy-peanut-butter sandwich.

A killer Cuban restaurant with a giant cigar bar. Have me a Cuban sandwich. That's just like heaven to me. I'm a simple man.

Hef is boring to cook for. He likes a total of four main dishes: fried chicken, pot roast, pork roast and pork chop sandwich!

I am a member of the 'sandwich' generation, that group that must simultaneously care for elderly parents and support children.

All you ever really want is a great character and great writing. As an actor, that's the juiciest sandwich you could ever ask for.

We're not going to be the fastest-growing or the biggest. I think there's plenty of room for a little old sandwich shop like ours.

If what I have to do is share a sandwich to lift someone's spirits, put a smile on their face - the worst thing that happens is I go broke!

I'm a Buffalo wing magnet, a sandwich fanatic, a cheesesteak guy. But I'll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.

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