The scariest people are usually the sweetest.

Perfect people are the scariest people to me.

Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there.

I think fear of the unknown is the scariest thing.

The scariest film in the world is 'Rosemary's Baby.'

I think 'Voldemort' is definitely the scariest villain.

The scariest movies, to me, are like Michael Haneke's 'Amour.'

Wedding fever is one of the scariest diseases I have ever seen.

I think irrationality is one of the scariest things in the world.

Imprint' was definitely the scariest project that I've worked on.

George loves the T Rex because it's the noisiest and the scariest.

I think I'd have to say that 'The Shining' is my scariest movie ever.

Playing Bill Clinton is really, probably, the scariest time of my career.

The scariest monsters are human beings and what we will do to each other.

Running with the bulls was the scariest and craziest thing I have ever done.

I think the scariest person in the world is the person with no sense of humor.

When you're living a lie, the scariest thing is to be alone with your thoughts.

To me, the coolest, shiniest, sexiest, darkest, scariest thing you can be is pop.

One of the scariest things for any athlete, I think, is pretty much the off season.

Generally, the songs that are the scariest ones are the ones that people connect to.

Stand-up is the scariest thing - whether it's TV, movies, improv - stand-up is the worst.

One of the scariest moments was being on Tyler Perry's first movie, 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman.'

The scariest thing about reality TV is having all new characters that you have to be introduced to.

'Hansel and Gretel' is one of the scariest stories ever written! Psychotic mother; stupid, inane father.

May 20, 2017, was one of the scariest days of my life. It was the day I realized I was being hunted by Erdogan.

Hate crimes are the scariest thing in the world because these people really believe what they're doing is right.

Hosting the Oscars is pretty much the scariest thing you can do. To me, this is right up there with bungee jumping!

I'm acting in a new show on NBC with Kristen Bell and Ted Danson, which is definitely the scariest thing I've ever done.

I will say that when it comes to the horror genre, for me, the scariest thing is when something is actually in the frame.

Staring down the barrel of a gun is the scariest thing you could ever experience. It's not funny. It's not for the movies.

Stevie Van Zandt could not walk on to a set and act. I don't know how actors do that! It's the scariest thing in the world.

I'll say this: The scariest monster in the world is human beings and what we are capable of, especially when we get together.

'The Exorcist' is the scariest movie ever made. It just felt dead-on real, like you were watching the existence of the devil.

Because my husband, Peter, died young, I've already faced the scariest thing in my life. Now I live out the dreams for both of us.

You can pick out the scariest dude on the tour and, guaranteed, he's probably a smush - I just find that so incredibly attractive.

I enjoy a special collegiality among other writers in the thriller community. They call me 'Canada's scariest writer,' and I love that.

Some of the scariest movies I've seen are not considered horror movies, like 'Gone Girl.' That movie scared me. I can't watch it again.

Birth is the scariest event of most peoples' lives. You have to feel safe enough in your own mind before you can remember your own birth.

One of the scariest things about ISIS is their ability to leverage social media to inspire individuals who have never been to Syria and Iraq.

I hate the idea of massive fame. I think the scariest thing for an actor is when your name becomes bigger than your craft or what you can do.

I feel that everyone has a Hulk inside, and each of our Hulks is both scary and, potentially, pleasurable. That's the scariest thing about them.

I'm the female Simon Cowell. He said I'm the scariest woman he's ever met. I asked him why he never dated me, and he said I was too intimidating.

Why would anyone get married and have babies? That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard in my life. Or the scariest thing I've ever heard in my life.

My favorite movie of all time is 'The Silence of the Lambs.' I think Hannibal Lecter is the scariest movie monster ever because he's smarter than you are.

I prefer film to TV because of the amount of time film affords you that TV doesn't (though theater is probably my favorite and the scariest place of all).

I love, love, love being an actor - it's still the hardest and scariest thing I do, outside of parenting. But I've always been someone who likes a busy day.

Somebody asked me about the current choice we're being given in the presidential election. I said, Well, it's like two of the scariest movies I can imagine.

The scariest movie I have ever seen, and my favorite horror film is, 'The Exorcist.' It is a must-see horror/thriller classic. I watch it every couple of years.

In my career, there have been three things that were challenging: playing gay; playing a Jewish woman; and playing Chekhov. The scariest part was playing Chekhov!

I think it's important to find humor anywhere you can. In real life, with the darkest, scariest, most intense moments, if you can find something funny, that's good.

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