I am a self-made brat.

Man is emphatically self-made.

Time itself made all things rare.

I'm really a self-made businesswoman.

I want to be self-made and leave a mark.

Self-made men often worship their creator.

A self-made man may prefer a self-made name.

I'm a Self-made Woman in Every Sense of the Word

I'm a self-made woman. I've never compromised myself.

A self-made man? Yes, and one who worships his creator.

Opportunity is important but exertion is indispensable.

My parents were self-made people, and they were a team.

Let the blacksmith wear the chains he has himself made.

We're all self-made, but only successful people admit it.

At the end of the day, I'm the biggest boss. I'm self-made.

I have worked for everything. I am self-made and proud of it.

He was a self-made man who owed his lack of success to nobody.

I love Priyanka Chopra mainly because she is a self-made woman.

The experience of giving birth itself made me feel more womanly.

No one can rightly call his garden his own unless he himself made it.

Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.

My main goal is to be a self-made man and have control over what's mine.

When did it something of shame or ridicule to be a self-made man in America?

There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others.

Being self-made means doing things your own way - and doing it without any handouts.

I have a theory that self-made, first-generation actresses don't feel entitled to success.

Being self-made is a state of mind, and once you put that mentality to work, your success will come.

Brady Hoke is an underdog. He has an attitude, a chip. He's self-made. He always has something to prove.

Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can't take steps toward whatever your goal is.

Being self-made means putting yourself in position to help others put themselves in position to be successful.

It's just as difficult to live in a self-made hell of privacy as it is to live in a self-made hell of publicity.

The self-made man that some people believe is a myth? It could be, because you do it on the backs of other people.

God's designs may be frequent justification for our actions, but it is we, the self-made men, who take the credit.

I am a completely self-made person. It's been a tough journey - I learnt on the job, worked 48 hours without sleeping.

My journey is self-made because I came from nothing. It's the best feeling now, because I don't really feel like I owe anybody.

My father started with nothing and is a self-made man. No matter what I do with my life, I can never match his accomplishments.

One of the many qualities that separate self-made billionaires from the rest of us is their ability to ask the right questions.

I'm self-made. I always wanted to make myself a better person, because I was not educated. But that was my dream - to have class.

For 'Zoom,' as the script demanded it, I opted for a shorter hair-style, as I play the character of a modern girl who is self-made.

Nobody should underestimate me. When you have a self-made fighter like I am with the Pride belt I earned, it's not good to underestimate him.

The people I believed in were people like William Lever, the great philanthropic industrialist - self-made men who realised anyone could achieve.

My father is pretty much a self-made man, and I am proud of that. He was born in Patiala and crossed the border from India to Pakistan when he was four.

I always thought Christians were the weak people. When you can't make it in life then you have to ask God. I really prided myself on being a self-made man.

I'm a self-made actor in Bollywood. And when I see actors far more good-looking and talented than me struggling for a place, I feel quite happy with my place.

Gerald Boyd was a classic specimen of the self-made man. Born poor, he worked and studied his way up out of poverty under the guidance of his widowed grandmother.

Mark Twain created a new type of literature and not a lot of people can say that. Not a lot of people can say they're absolutely original and completely self-made.

Tell young girls they can be anything, including entrepreneurs and self-made billionaires. Encourage your friends/daughters/female students/yourself to take a shot.

I come from a middle-class family and I value money. This is something that attracted me to my boyfriend Farhan Azmi too. He is a self-made man and very level-headed.

I don't believe in that kind of American John Wayne individualism where people pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Someone changed your diapers. And if that's the case, you ain't self-made.

I don't deny that fact that I like Gauahar. She is hardworking, self-made and self-respecting. Somewhere, I see my own personality traits in her. But that's about it. We are not in a relationship.

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