My guitar setup is inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Any nude is a something you setup in front of the camera.

It's a privilege and an honour to be a part of the Indian team setup.

I don't like long jokes. I like stories rather than setup punchlines.

We believe that when there is a democratic setup, we have a greater voice.

I'm not much for setup... punch line. I talk about my kids. I talk about my wife.

If I am a part of a huge setup where my role is blink and miss why would I do that?

I mean the truth is, I've always been interested in the whole setup of the old world.

I hate the term 'work-life balance.' I think it's a setup, and it's trap for all of us.

I don't really care, honestly, what the USGA does with the setup. I'm just here to play.

I saw 'Captain America' in 3D. It's cool. I liked the beginning. It's a really good setup.

I do have a little setup at home. I use Pro Tools and a Neumann mic. Neumann's are my favorite.

I always told everybody the perfect joke would be where the setup and punch line were identical.

Foul-ups in testing are not uncommon, especially when the test setup is being tried for the first time.

I would love to be a dad. For the longest time, I've wanted kids, but you have to have the right setup, right?

In my opinion, the best setup guys now have a tougher job than the closers. They pitch more innings, inherit more runners.

I like being part of the Great Britain setup. I like feeling I'm at a race that is important and the pressure that goes with it.

The drivability of an engine is a big part of the setup on a road course. If you can't squeeze the gas down you can't go anywhere.

Working on a film, the setup for an action sequence takes a long time, and we need to shoot the scene many times to get different angles.

Sometimes the challenge of beating the jet lag and getting a decent sleep can be as hard to solve as finding the right setup for the car!

Campaign widowhood totally suited me, and I soon began to suspect that our setup beat the bill-paying and bickering of an actual marriage.

Life is all in the setup. A lot of people think I got the world handed to me, and I let them think exactly that whilst they handed me the world.

Copy my favorite moves and my Tour-proven setup positions, and you'll start catching it on the sweet spot every time, with every club in your bag.

It's very difficult to consistently hit good iron shots if you get off to a bad start. That's why I'm always paying attention to my setup and takeaway.

My basic setup is my Ibanez Fireman guitars and for pedals, the TC Electronic MojoMojo is the mainstay of my board, along with a Catalinbread Calissto Chorus.

Some of the greatest hip-hop artists have incorporated elements from electronic shows into their setup. People are taking notice. It's going to be a new wave.

I'm always trying to evolve my sound. I love the simplicity of my setup. I play Gibson guitars and Marshall amps. So it's kind of like the standard rock sound.

Every product demands a certain budget and with the kind of setup that we have brought together for 'Housefull 2,' there has to be certain expenditure involved.

I'm a big advocate of a work-for-pay setup rather than an allowance that isn't attached to chores - it's a great way to impart the value of money to your children.

Comedy is just to me, maybe it's a natural knack, if I can see where the joke is in the writing and I can see where the setup is and I can tell this is the way to make it.

Also, if you watch the film once, there are lots of things that you won't get because there are punch lines in the first act, the setup to which isn't until the second act.

I'm friends with Criss Angel. Criss has offered me a million times to go downstairs and see the setup. I don't want to see it. I just want to go, 'God, how did you do that?'

I probably hung on for a couple of years too long on 'Scary Go Round.' I knew I had lost some of my enthusiasm for the characters and the setup, but I wasn't sure what to do next.

All of the Vines that were acted & setup & had nice cameras, those weren't the good Vines. The good Vines were, like, a random little kid in the middle of a forest, like, yelling.

I used Malta as a location to shoot a lot of my action sequences, and that's because we don't have the kind of setup that Malta Film Studios does. They have a world-class facility.

I have the standard cartoonist setup, which is one of those Cintiq tablets, and a laptop. If I'm mostly writing code, I'm on the laptop, and if I'm mostly drawing, I'm on the Cintiq.

When you've got hardly any equipment, very little money and no access to any information, your sound is very much dictated by you, your setup and what you're listening to. Nothing more.

I was a 'runaway girl' from France who married an American and moved to New York City. I'm not sure I would have continued as an artist had I remained in Paris because of the family setup.

I have a half-court in my house. If you saw my house, you'd think I was an NBA player. I have no golf setup at all inside, just a half-court for me and a volleyball setup for my wife, who plays.

The movies that I love and model after, like 'Annie Hall,' 'When Harry Met Sally,' and in particular for me, 'Broadcast News,' are the tone of life, which isn't a setup punch-line every two minutes.

But unlike the setup in most organizations, where there's an administrator on top and creative people or doers underneath, I'm basically a doer and I like to have administrative people underneath me.

We were proud of our first two records, but the parameters were pretty narrow. We didn't have full drums, for example. There were just so many limitations to that setup, and we really fully explored them.

I've worked with directors who have done it too much, particularly in television, you know, 'okay we got it, let's move on, next setup.' 'Well what about, we could maybe investigate?' 'Mmm… no, let's go.'

HAG Records, is a company that I've owned. I've had a couple of gospel releases on it. We developed a pretty good distribution setup there and we do have something to use in case they don't want to sign us.

Then when I was writing alone, I'd just be in my bedroom in London and I had a little studio setup. I was like, You know what, if no one's gonna produce my music, I'm gonna have to learn how to do it myself.

So if you want to have a great video game-based movie you have to keep the mood of the game, use the normal character setup - but you have to flesh out the story and provide more background for the characters.

There is no one leader that's going to unify all of Syria that suddenly everyone is going to go, 'Yes, that's a logical place.' They're not unified. They don't have a setup succession like we do in the United States.

If you have more downforce, everything becomes much easier. Drivers drive better, engineers they have more room for setup, the tyres are working better because you switch them on earlier and you have less degradation.

The thing that really gets me about the game is I've never played two rounds that were anywhere close to being the same - ever. Even with the same golf course and setup, nothing is ever the same. I love that about golf.

I binge write, basically. I do a lot of prep, research, setup. I'll have a pretty detailed outline. Sort of like a beat outline. And then I'll add little notes and dialogue ideas, and I'll just create a 20-page document.

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