First, I do not think there is any silver bullet to solving the technology side of the security equation.

In Leh, the bazaar is famous for its silver jewellery and leather bags, both of which I bought in plenty.

To ancient Chinese fancy, the Milky Way was a luminous river, - the River of Heaven, - the Silver Stream.

I love to mix colors. For me, I don't have a rule, like "you can't wear silver and gold." You can mix it.

My tag line for 'Silver Linings' is this: It's about a man who thinks his life is a movie produced by God.

Nothing's handed to you on a silver platter. Everything takes work, no matter how many records you put out.

The silver and black may have another home, but the Raiders will always belong to the people of Los Angeles.

I have this beautiful antique silver wine decanter that I bought at an auction. I always pour wine from that.

The Raiders have been good to me, giving me a second chance to come back around and wear the silver and black.

Just because someone doesn't have a silver spoon in their mouth doesn't mean they can't be highly intelligent.

With 48 million subscribers through Xbox Live (silver and gold), Microsoft has a bigger audience than DirecTV.

And she sees that the moonlight is losing its orange glow. It has become buttery, and will soon turn to silver.

There's no silver bullet when it comes to helping all children achieve. Great public schools are our best shot.

If I have cash and I can't figure a way to put it into real estate or my business, I hold it in gold and silver.

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

We're becoming so much better at destigmatizing all sorts of things, including mental illness in 'Silver Linings.'

I'm telling you that there is no silver bullet to keep home prices from going down or to prevent all foreclosures.

We're becoming so much better at destigmatizing all sorts of things, including mental illness in 'Silver Linings'.

Like a lot of people, I sold my first script in graduate school at UCLA, a 'Joan of Arc' for producer Joel Silver.

The silver lining of the Trump presidency is it is an era of activism, and one where women really want to be heard.

I keep my hair gray, so I like silver and platinum. For women who dye their hair, they can wear whatever they want.

As I stepped on the moon, I looked around, dazed...magnifice nt. The vast, sandy silver surface was almost illusory.

There will always be a part of me that is dirty and sloppy, but I like that, just like all the other parts of myself.

It sure looks good to see an honest-to-goodness audience after looking at you all for so long from the silver screen.

Reputation is a hall-mark: it can remove doubt from pure silver, and it can also make the plated article pass for pure.

Titles of honor are like the impressions on coins, which add no value to gold or silver, but only render brass current.

Remember, gold and silver always have had value and never have gone to zero. Can you say the same for stocks and bonds?

I've never felt like I was born with a silver spoon at all, although I've felt like howling at the moon a lot of times!

I don't think there's ever a silver bullet to any problem. There are always several answers and solutions to a problem.

Life has changed after Rio. Winning a silver medal was a huge moment for me. It has come with a lot of responsibilities.

The fear among athletes and organizers is that sailing is becoming more associated with silver hair than silver trophies.

All metallics are neutrals. So it is absolutely fine to mix gold and silver; you just want it to look like it has purpose.

Most of us weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouth, but if life dealt you all the wrong cards, you still have to play.

Cinema immortalizes ordinary people. Not just the ones we watch on the silver screens, but also the behind the scene heroes.

Crackers!” said Dumbledore enthusiastically, offering the end of a large silver noisemaker to Snape, who took it reluctantly.

You may have crap that wants to drag you down, but if you really like what you're doing, then there's always a silver lining.

Silver Machine still sounds really modern with all the white noise. It's a bit punky in a way. They were ahead of their time.

'Hard Times' does not romanticize the Depression, but at least a few of Mr. Terkel's subjects managed to find silver linings.

I personally have a silver idol of Lord Ganesh that I reuse every year. Don't measure your devotion with the size of the idol.

We, Filipinos, are really great about keeping a positive attitude and seeing the silver lining in all things. We're survivors!

Why does everyone think the future is space helmets, silver foil, and talking like computers, like a bad episode of Star Trek?

I wouldn't call it a silver lining, but with more women speaking up, online harassment is beginning to be taken more seriously.

I think most people gain some sense of how to look at a painting, but no one ever teaches you how to look at a piece of silver.

I am honored to have had two Hallmark Hall of Fame Productions made from my novels - 'Silver Bells' and 'Follow the Stars Home.'

Don't you have much more faith in ideas that you discover for yourself than in ideas that are handed to you on a silver platter?

I ended up winning a silver medal at the Summer X Games Adaptive Supercross seven months after my injury - on a leg that I built.

You just have to re-wire your brain when you're shifting from the stage to the screen or the silver screen or the HD flat screen.

Beauty attracts us men; but if, like an armed magnet it is pointed, beside, with gold and silver, it attracts with tenfold power.

Earlier we used to enjoy films for 25 weeks, Silver jubilee, and Golden jubilee; but now it takes only 3 days to recover the cost.

Haven's warm, clammy palms press hard against my cheeks as the tarnished edge of her silver skull ring leaves a smudge on my skin.

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