I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Life has a great deal up its sleeve.

I wear my inspirations on my sleeve.

I always wear my heart on my sleeve.

Always know I have something up my sleeve.

God's always got a custard pie up his sleeve.

I've always got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.

God always has another custard pie up his sleeve.

I want to wear my heart on my sleeve and be loyal.

I'm someone who wears their heart on their sleeve.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have no poker face.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and tell you how it is.

Emotionally, I've always worn my heart on my sleeve.

I am the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.

I'm not very diplomatic and wear my heart on my sleeve.

Far too many candidates wear their faith on their sleeve.

I don't want to wear my compositional tools on my sleeve.

I was always the child who wore her emotions on her sleeve.

I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve; I write about them.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I tell you exactly how I feel.

I wear my Judaism on my sleeve - and my face for that matter.

I'm kind of a warrior for love, and I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I wear my stripes on my sleeve, and I am not afraid to show them.

I'd like to think the best of me was still hiding up in my sleeve.

Politicians in Canada should not put their religion on their sleeve.

I am more off-the-cuff and wear my emotions on my sleeve more than I should.

Some people wear their heart on their sleeve; I do that in more ways than one.

Christopher Darden is a very passionate man. He wears his emotion on his sleeve.

I'm a very patriotic England fan, actually. I always wore my heart on my sleeve.

Harshvardhan Kapoor is very sincere, somebody who wears his heart on his sleeve.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm human, and everything doesn't go right all the time.

I think as long as you wear your imperfections on your sleeve, people respect it more.

I have always played the game in the right spirit and always wore my heart on my sleeve.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am known for getting a little bit emotional at times.

I think I wear my hypocrisy on my sleeve. I would never say I'm not a complete hypocrite.

Getting a sleeve at my age is a midlife crisis for the man who can't afford a sports car.

I'm never going to be a flat-line guy. My heart is going to be on my sleeve with every shot.

I'm not really the type of person who wears my heart on my sleeve. I keep everything inside.

Sometimes my influences are really on my sleeve. So I just make sure to wear a lot of sleeves.

I was very young when I got my tattoos. I was 16 when I got my full sleeve - I rushed into it.

I've never been one to carry race on my sleeve, and I've never been one to really use my race.

I don't wear my political feelings on my sleeve. However, if I'm asked, I will answer honestly.

With the media, I could be quick and ugly and critical. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve.

I wear my personality on my sleeve, for sure, and my look is constantly changing because so am I.

Trump is not charismatic. He is artless and politically clumsy and wears his egotism on his sleeve.

I think the problem is I really wear my heart on my sleeve, so when I like someone I tell them how it is.

I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve. I was once described by my own son Stephen as an emotional ostrich.

To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best.

I am, by nature, an honest person. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. There is no 'behind closed doors' with me.

Some people wear their heart up on their sleeve. I wear mine underneath my right pant leg, strapped to my boot.

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