Birthdays are about doing something fun and interesting.

New money is something fun to celebrate if you never had it.

If you're going to write for a living, you should find something fun to write.

I guess I started too early because I just thought it was something fun to do.

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's gathering people together to do something fun.

As a kid, I certainly never thought I would get to spend my life doing something fun.

Acting was something fun that my dad did, but baseball is what he really wanted to do.

I think the only way I could make something fun and big is if I don't expect it to be.

I do like escapism. I like going to the movies on a Friday night and seeing something fun.

I enjoy tough golf, I guess. There's something fun about it that other people may not think is fun.

Back in high school, there was something fun and dangerous about inhabiting a different personality.

Sometimes I want to listen to sad music, sometimes something fun and sometimes you're in romantic mode.

Sometimes I want to hear something fun to cook or bake to; other times, I need specific songs to to lift me up.

Whenever I do talks around the country, I map out my run. Gives me something fun to do and to look forward to doing.

I like to mix influences from different eras, like maybe '70s bell-bottoms, something fun from the '80s, or a bit of '90s grunge.

GoPro is ideal for pro-active capture, meaning, 'Hey, we're going to do something fun, and we're going to capture a video of it.'

I'm a big believer in 'Trojan horses' - There are certain themes that are more palatable when wrapped in something fun or distracting.

I don't think enough people admit that there's just something fun about being in front of people. And that's not a self-centered, egotistical thing.

I think all of the great developers start not with the intent to make money, but with the intent to make something fun that's in their passion zone.

I like doing arts and crafts, so I would probably go to one of those fun little ceramic places and go paint some plates and do something fun like that.

Mrs. Ari's style on 'Entourage' is so fabulous. Gucci is a go-to for her because every season there is something fun, but there's also something classic.

I love nothing more than taking my dog, Molly, for a long walk on Sunday morning. Then I'll indulge in some Bikram yoga or something fun like reflexology.

I'm a sucker for doing something fun. If somebody wants to pay me to learn how to fly a plane or be a better golfer, that certainly would be a plus - or if it's filming in Tahiti.

I'm doing a very funny show in which we talk about issues. I speak at Aids charities and things. It's great to do something fun with our days and yet we're told we're doing something important.

The thing I respond to the most is just great writing, interesting characters. I like to think that there is something fun about playing a character that has a lot of authority in her own life.

Here's To Christmas' is something I'm really proud of and I think it stands up as something fun, but something that doesn't sound half bad too - an album to get everyone into the swing of Christmas!

I wanted to do my part to help preserve that golden age of travel... I step aboard The Patron Tequila Express railcar, and I go back in time to the days when a long journey was something fun and very special.

The only reason I left the salon was really to chase these dreams of either being an MTV host or a travel host. I loved the idea of doing something fun and interesting for a living, and that is what got me over to Malaysia.

The Midwest breeds funny, eccentric people, to varying degrees. You play shows not because you're expecting to get a record deal, but to do something fun outside of mowing lawns. Everything else is just gravy... Or mustard.

Zynga is about fun. Fun is important. Fun is good. And to have the ability to do something fun for 10 or 15 minutes that's right at your fingertips and involves your friends, well, that's better than television in terms of social connectivity.

My father thought sport was something fun - he didn't know it was a way to make money. Then I won a Mercedes at the world championships and I gave it to him. From the moment it arrived my father said: 'Good, you can support not just yourself but me too'.

Once in a while, I write in Malay and work on something fun that's more for the local Malaysian market, and when that happens, it's always something really special; it speaks volumes that I'm doing it for my fans who have been there for me since day one.

You cut up a piece of fruit, peel it, put it on a dish, and top it with something fun, and it feels like a real snack, instead of just walking down the street while peeling an orange and eating it: you're not actually taking a minute to enjoy that snack.

There's something fun about the road because there's no 9 to 5. But I do find myself making the effort to take some time off. As much as I don't want to, I have to. I need to reset. I love weeks off, because I can go in the studio and just be creative again.

Football is something I enjoy doing, something I'm well-paid to do, and obviously that's a great privilege, but I'm just trying to be happy, and if there's an opportunity to do something fun, then I'll just do it. I don't hold back; I just want to be a regular guy.

I think no matter what you do you go through stages when you play. There was a number of times when I didn't do very well or was tired. It was too much to combine school and tennis altogether. Parents need to step in and say, take a little time off, do something fun.

Acting was always something fun to do on the side growing up, but I never really took it seriously. I would do a commercial every few months, and that paid my school tuition. But in high school, I was mostly into sports and didn't go out for stuff during those seasons.

Make sure you are doing something you love to do when working out. Nobody likes to work, so when you do choose a workout, make it something you enjoy doing. You won't stick with it if you hate it and if it feels like work. Find something fun. My favorite thing to do is Jujitsu.

I started shooting 'The Defenders' two days after I wrapped' Friday Night Lights.' I was doing research for 'The Defenders' throughout - interviewing lawyers and sitting in courtrooms just to watch - but there's something fun about throwing yourself in the water and learning by doing.

I feel like at the end of your days, the last thing that's going to happen is that you're going to watch the movie of your life. It's very important to make sure that you love your movie and that you want to watch your movie, so I try to always make sure that I'm doing something fun and interesting.

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