Classic glam is beautiful and will never go out of style, but I like to try to push the envelope and create something new and inspiring.

Each night, we try something new, play different songs, see what works, what goes down well, mix it up a bit until we find the right mix.

Growing up I always used to shop in Oxfam. I'd find things for 50p and then take them home, cut them up and make them into something new.

What could be more Canadian than working hard to figure out something new and sharing it with the world? The world wants to hear from us!

I am no longer afraid of becoming lost, because the journey back always reveals something new, and that is ultimately good for the artist.

It's easy to say, 'I'm going to build something that already exists,' but it's difficult to clearly and succinctly describe something new.

I'm glad that we can add something new to the fold that Metallica's not going to bring to the table, and they're going to do what they do.

The enticing allure of Nashville is that there is always something new coming down the pike. Put this record on and you’ll hear footsteps.

One of the reasons I love horror so much is - when it's done well - you can keep peeling away the layers and see something new every time.

Sometimes I'll go with a long hijab, or sometimes I'll wear my scarf and go somewhat business-y with a blazer. Every day is something new.

There will always be a desire for something new, fresh and innovative, as well as a yearning and respect for timeless elegance and beauty.

If you see me playing a $1/$2 no-limit on PokerStars, I'm probably experimenting with something, trying something new seeing how it works.

I go by intuition. Work-wise, that means asking myself if a role will push me outside my comfort zone, challenge me to learn something new.

Let everyone try and find that as a result of daily prayer he adds something new to his life, something with which nothing can be compared.

Every time we've moved ahead in IBM, it was because someone was willing to take a chance, put his head on the block, and try something new.

Earl Nightingale never let a day go by that he didn`t learn something new and, in turn, pass it on to others. It was his consuming passion.

What we did wrong on 'RoboCop,' we just did something new and didn't really take into account what the fans really loved about the original.

I don't mind at all venturing off to do a television movie if it's gonna give me something new to mess around in my mind, to turn around in.

N.Y. hip-hop is ok, but we gotta become brave again; we have to be brave enough and do something new - that's what New York is about... New.

So when they have Mourinho and Benitez joining the Premiership they should say it's good for us, maybe these guys have something new to give.

When I learn something new - and it happens every day - I feel a little more at home in this universe, a little more comfortable in the nest.

I just love that part of comedy, where you see somebody's jokes develop. They try something new to see what works, and I just love that part.

We've always been fascinated with movie stars and singers, but the fascination with people who really have nothing to offer is something new.

The problem with books, now that I've written one, is that the idea of adaptation is so much easier than sitting down to write something new.

I don't want to get pigeon-holed into a certain kind of character. I love action roles and the hero, but I want to keep trying something new.

I did not come here to repeat what you already know. I have come to reveal something new. I want to share with you a new revelation from God.

For me, the goal wasn't to turn the stand-up special on its head, but to do what I do specifically, and hopefully that reads as something new.

Pop music is the one genre that isn't a genre. If the kids like it, then that's what defines it as pop music. Pop music is just something new.

I think you're in trouble if you start chasing what you've done in the past. You always need to move on and look forward and do something new.

I learn something new everyday about myself as an actor, my capabilities, how far I can stretch myself, throw out emotions I never knew I had.

I'm finished with something, but I'm not beginning anything. That's wrong. When you finish something, you ought always to begin something new.

All I ever wanted to do, personally, was bring something new to what I loved: the thing that I loved the most, the music that I loved the most.

My decision to leave Impact had nothing to with their business or finances and everything with me wanting to challenge myself to something new.

A lot of people that come to the concerts are in their 20s. I think they come to listen to something new, and I want to be able to provide that.

Even If you're doing the same thing over & over, U need to discover something new, fantastic & unbelievable that went unnoticed the time before.

For weeks I ran through a mental inventory of my closet. Did I want to wear something new - to christen it and forever make it The Divorce Dress?

I think that's the beauty of it - knowing you're not where you want to be, there is something new you can learn every day. That gets you excited.

My story is a little unorthodox. At first, I just wanted to book a commercial. I didn't have any expectations, and I wanted to try something new.

I think audiences crave something new. I don't think audiences want the same old thing, no matter how much conventional Hollywood tells you that.

As a driver, you always want to be in the car getting as much experience as possible; especially when there's something new like different tyres.

I think fans always want something new, but they want somebody who can deliver - to go out there and really entertain them and have good matches.

I get bored very fast, so I would like to do something new. Something like a restaurant is attractive. It does seem to be a very tough job though.

In order for fashion to progress, we have to always be willing to invest in someone or something new and embrace risks, regardless of the economy.

I was one thing at one time, and I'm something new. I'm a new creature now. Don't judge Alice by what he used to be. Praise God for what I am now.

If the lyrics are something new, then maybe I want to give it a more traditional form, or the other way around, but not have all one or the other.

Everything that I do has to be something new and something challenging, or with people that I want to work with. I take jobs for different reasons.

I think 'Adiye/Yadike' is unique and fresh and something new for Indian films. It brings together the blues and gospel feel with Tamil folk lyrics.

The interviewer always learns something new from the interviewee. It opens up your mind to new ideas and the vast multiplicity of human experience.

There is no past we can bring back by longing for it. There is only an eternal now that builds and creates out of the past something new and better.

Every time you create something new, there should be questions. And to me, that's a sign that you've actually done something that is transformative.

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