I don't have a stack of scripts.

Anything beats an expensive stack of paper.

A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope.

I work in my attic, and the view is next door's chimney stack.

Risk-taking is my thing... I think of my company as my chip stack.

I've got a stack of the 'Walking Dead' comic books next to my bed here.

Hackers rarely have full knowledge of the technology stack of a target.

FreeBSD has a nicely tuned network stack and extremely good reliability.

My dad likes Stack$ a lot. He's actually the first guy my dad has liked!

I never settled because I wasn't meant to pack toilet rolls or stack shelves.

After the music that had been created by my family, I thought there was no way I could stack up.

I found that if I stack the moments correctly, people will believe in the most outrageous things.

You enjoy that as a player, though, going up against the best, just try and see how you stack up.

Sometimes you just give everything you have, and you do your absolute best, and it doesn't stack up.

I had no television when I was little, just a stack of old, beat-up comics from the 1950s and 1960s.

These close losses, when they stack up, two, three, four, five in a row, they change the tenor of a season.

As a kid, I spent every summer bent over a stack of books, obsessively writing detailed reports on each one.

And I had this big, long list of what I wanted in a guy but I realized I didn't stack up to the list myself.

I don't have a stack of scripts that, when I get home, studios are clamoring, saying, 'Has Bob read ours yet?'

Whether I'm at the office, at home, or on the road, I always have a stack of books I'm looking forward to reading.

I've been in 30 car crashes, none of 'em my fault, I swear on a stack of midgets... OK, they were probably all my fault.

I'm usually reading too many books - in fact, I'm usually reading enough books that if the stack fell on me, I'd be injured.

Otherwise, my whole career has just been flinging myself at whatever is most overdue first and letting everything else stack up.

I read more books for research purposes, whether it's a fictionalized biography of Johannes Gutenberg or a stack of urban fantasies.

Obviously, I need to be more efficient, but as far as my numbers go, I just want to see W's starting to stack up on that win column.

Any call that jeopardizes a big chunk of your chip stack just because you think your opponent might be on a bluff is flat-out wrong.

I spent many, many hours in the stack at the University of Washington library just wandering around, when my dad was working, as a kid.

Munchery is a full stack, end-to-end meal provider that specializes in delivery. It isn't a restaurant, and it isn't a delivery service.

I was a very sickly kid. While I was in the hospital at age 7, my Dad brought me a stack of comic books to keep me occupied. I was hooked.

I have a stack of scripts that I've read - I'm in the lucky position where I get offered things - but I haven't wanted to direct many of them.

Secular humanists can sit around and talk about their love of humanity, but it doesn't stack up against a two-millennium-old funeral high mass.

Stack the cards in your favour, and in a casino, you'll get arrested and put in prison, but in business and in life, it's the right thing to do.

I read articles in the gym in the morning on a tablet or phone. Then I print out a stack of them that I carry around with me throughout the workday.

My whole business philosophy is based on a risk-reward ratio. But it's got to stack up. If it doesn't, don't do it. You might as well go to a casino.

I have a stack of those plastic card hotel room keys that I picked up on this latest book tour. It's about a yard tall. Ah yes, a stack of lonely nights.

It was an incredible resource. I'd sit with a big stack of bound New Yorkers in the library and read through, especially the 'Talk of the Town' sections.

I'm not going to be lectured by Nathan Deal, who is a former Clinton Democrat. I will stack up my conservative credentials against his any day of the week.

I'm influenced by Jennifer Egan, Dave Eggers, David Foster Wallace: writers who are often not content to just stack paragraphs and have to break out of that.

My name is actually Polish. It's my husband's name. Most people say 'Zaw-stak,' but it's 'Show-stack,' like you're going to a show, eating a stack of pancakes.

Motivation has always been a fascinating factor when considering a touring artist, especially when the years stack up. What keeps one out there year after year?

I haven't seen the show, but when it was finished I felt good about what we had done. I don't know how it will stack up with Survival, but that'll be up to the critics.

Apple really has no presence in business, and we think Vista's going to have a huge presence in business. We think we're going to help the corporate IT stack save money.

In the touch-based mobile device era, folks need to think of ways to have a single technology stack married to the ability to create unique experiences for different devices.

When I was cast in 'Batman v Superman,' I was sent a huge stack of comics. They provided a ton of information about Cyborg and how he has evolved as a character over the years.

I can't deny that Eric Clapton's and Eddie Van Halen's lead stuff has influenced a stack of people, but for me, it's the rhythm thing that's way more impressive and important to a band.

My aunt got me interested in journalism - she found an old typewriter, had it worked over, put it on the dining room table, gave me a stack of paper and said, 'Play like you're a writer.'

The second time around, I'll understand that, as a husband, my wife doesn't care about my opinions. I just need to tell her the things that will continue to help me stack the brownie points.

Dutch girls wear a hundred mixed-metal necklaces and stack the most random earrings. It's total chaos, but it looks so good that I'm always inspired to get another ear piercing, and another.

The first time I ever heard the blues, my parents had a stack of records that they weren't using anymore. I found them when I was ten; I didn't know what it was. But I found Lightnin' Hopkins.

When money was plentiful, I was the first one who told you to stack it. Live your life with it. Now that money slowed up, I'ma be the one telling you to save it like they ain't gon' make it no more.

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