How strange a thing is the heart of man!

Many strange things happen in this world

Thoughts rearrange, familiar now strange.

War is too strange to be processed alone.

I've always had a strange fear of spoons.

I'm a bit famous now! It's a bit strange!

I have a strange nose: it's big and weird.

People are strange when you're a stranger.

What a strange power there is in clothing.

Faith strikes me as intellectual laziness.

In some strange way, this was meant to be.

I think that I've had a very strange life.

It is strange how little harm bad codes do.

The world is a strange and wonderful place.

Strange, it is a huge nothing that we fear.

A divided heart offers a strange sensation.

The world, dear Agnes, is a strange affair.

Its a strange world. Lets keep it that way.

Fate is not quite as strange as it appears!

I will walk heavy, and I will walk strange.

It just felt really strange to be in demand

Life has a strange way of working itself out

Taken out of context I must seem so strange.

The Internet is a really strange place to be.

Once upon a time, I awoke in a strange place.

Sometimes blessings come in strange packages.

Everybody seems to know me. It's very strange

It's a strange world. Let's keep it that way.

For me, New York is comfortable, not strange.

Young men are crazy strange emotional beings.

Life is beautiful, and terrible, and strange.

I feel coming on a strange disease - humility.

Strange is the man who practices his religion.

It's strange how knowledge changes perception.

I have the strange ability to shut things out.

I have a really small and strange job history.

Strange is the influence of Marx on character.

Everybody seems to know me. It's very strange.

Strange customs do not thrive in foreign soil.

It's a strange world, as David Lynch would say

Solitude has its own very strange beauty to it.

All things are strange which are worth knowing.

I don't go to mythical places with strange men.

Nature hath framed strange fellows in her time.

Truth is always strange, stranger than fiction.

It's a strange world, as David Lynch would say.

Strange what love taught you about your faults.

Life is strange. Every so often a good man wins.

Sometimes strange fiction, becomes grim reality.

Certainty a strange Ferris wheel of a statement!

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