Strange, what being forced to slow down could do to a person.

Music is a strange thing. I would almost say it is a miracle.

What a strange thing man is; and what a stranger thing woman.

When you bring God into politics, very strange things happen.

I'm sure many writers have these strange, tiny little habits.

Mistake, mistake, mistake. A strange word: stinging, somehow.

As a god self-slain on his own strange altar, Death lies dead.

Since 'tis Nature's law to change, Constancy alone is strange.

Strange, he thought, how seldom people tend to look up" - Will

It's a strange thing, to be talked about instead of talked to.

I'm always cast in these strange men... that's not me, really.

Chicago has a strange metaphysical elegance of death about it.

I'm not a musician, but I play music. So it's a strange thing.

All things must change To something new, to something strange.

I share this interest in the weird, strange, unusual, surreal.

We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown.

I'm sure other people have a very strange view of my lifestyle.

Yes, hope is a strange thing. Peace at last. But at what price?

A strange alternative * * *Must women have a doctor or a dance?

For the eye has this strange property: it rests only on beauty.

Blood is a strange color. It's darker than you expect it to be.

History indulges strange whims in the way it dresses its women.

I want what I write to be deeply engaging and strange and true.

Real love is strange and changeable… but also somehow constant.

I'm one of those strange people: I really love going to the gym.

Strange an astrologer should die, without one wonder in the sky.

Plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom.

The world is a strange place for a playhouse to stand within it.

In 100 billion years, the universe will be a very strange place.

I see the world through my eyes. It's sometimes a strange world.

I think it's always going to be strange for me facing the Bulls.

I loved wrestling when you had to get a VHS tape from a strange.

Strange people like chefs, musicians, and politicians affect me.

Jung Min’s palms are always sweating and he wears strange socks!

Being a shy person, I always felt strange outside with my camera.

Las Vegas is a very strange place. It's a place of broken dreams.

I had to deal with several stalkers and a lot of strange letters.

I mean, I love California, but LA to me is still a strange place.

It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.

Comics are in my blood. It's my strange addiction, and I love it.

Strange, though I am saved from sin, I am not saved from sinning.

How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude!

Strange children should smile at each other and say, "Let's play.

New Mexico was such a strange place; it was like filming on Mars.

Strange that creatures without backbones have the hardest shells.

Old age is a strange country, and most of us enter it unwillingly.

Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that color never can.

Power's a strange thing, lad. It's a drug people like me crave it.

Don't you think it's strange how many referees work at Footlocker?

I never drink anything hot; I don't like hot drinks, very strange.

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