It's strange how time can make a place shrink, make its strangeness ordinary.

I think it's fair to say that, yeah, I'm playing Doctor Strange, I get there.

A strange thing, the human heart in general, and woman's heart in particular.

Out here, everything is bigger. You see strange things, and that changes you.

Love is strange, sometimes it makes you crazy, it can burn or break you down.

It's a very strange thing being recognized or looked upon as someone special.

It sounds kind of strange, but Jail time was almost a good experience for me.

It is strange how sad it can be - sunlight in the afternoon, don't you think?

We have a strange and wonderful relationship - he's strange and I'm wonderful.

Yes. I am writing full-time. Which is strange. It feels like not having a job.

Acting is such a strange, vague profession, but my kids know it's hard labour.

Lynch is an ordinary, smalltown guy and he just sees strange things in people.

Time is strange. A moment can be as short as a breath, or as long as eternity.

The strange thing about television is that it - doesn't *tell* you everything.

I love strange things; my favorite movies are weird, eclectic, and intriguing.

Strange how complicated we can make things just to avoid showing what we feel!

It's funny how making odd noises can get you into strange situations sometimes.

Most of the beauties of travel are due to the strange hours we keep to see them

That's the strange thing about a good story. No pleasure if you can't share it.

It was a really strange and unique sort of process for me to adapt my own book.

I've always been interested in strange foods, coming from all different places.

I've found that I seek out oddballs; I like strange and eccentric people a lot.

A strange thing, words. Once they're said, it's hard to imagine they're untrue.

Oh, whoever has been himself alone can never find another’s loneliness strange.

It's funny how making odd noises can get you into strange situations sometimes.

Nor is it strange That after changes upon changes, we are more or less the same

Los Angeles: A city I like because it's easy to tell who the strange people are.

There is nothing strange in the circle being the origin of any and every marvel.

It's strange how a word, a phrase, a sentence, can feel like a blow to the head.

Love is the strange attractor, the allurement that holds the Uni-verse together.

The future is a strange monster. The less there is of it, the more it frightens.

There is value in everybody's gift. No matter how hard to find or strange it is.

It's hard being a rock; they have such a strange sense of time - and priorities.

Strange how someone you once loved can become just another person you once knew.

How ridiculous and how strange to be surprised at anything which happens in life

There are strange things lost and forgotten in obscure corners of the newspaper.

It's kind of strange-- in fiction you get to tell lies and are applauded for it.

It's strange how the simple things in life go on while we become more difficult.

When you lose a parent, it's a strange feeling. It's a hard thing to get used to.

It is strange how the presence of additional people can make you feel more alone.

How strange it is that life must be nearly over, before one fully learns to live!

I always have a strange feeling that projects choose you. It's always mysterious.

We're all strange inside. We learn how to disguise our differences as we grow up.

It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.

... nothing, of course, is ever so strange as love to the one who is not a lover.

For some strange reason, no matter where I go, the place is always called "here".

The biggest lesson Stephen Strange learns in this film is it's not all about him.

I was one of the richest rappers in 2008. But it was definitely a strange feeling.

That strange new zone between medium and message. That zone we call the interface.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.

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