Go see old virgins! Now ask a strange boy out, you shy, Retarded thing!

His face was just strange enough that she wanted to keep looking at it.

It’s a strange grief…to die of nostalgia for something you never lived.

How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset.

Tis very strange men should be so fond of being wickeder than they are.

It's strange that those we miss the most Are those we take for granted.

Shows are really strange. Sometimes you really don't know what to expect

There is nothing strange, creepy, or inappropriate about John Travolta .

Well, it's always strange to kiss someone with 10, 20, 40 people around.

I must have ended up on the wrong planet. Everything here is so strange.

Strange, what brings these past things so vividly back to us, sometimes!

Some get stoned, some get strange, but sooner or later it all gets real.

Friar! What a strange name. I don't remember having created such a thing!

it is strange how the dead leap out on us at street corners, or in dreams

Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?

Shows are really strange. Sometimes you really don't know what to expect.

Retiring is a strange word. I'm 27 years old. I've still got stuff to do.

The art of our necessities is strange That can make vile things precious.

It's a super super strange world when the actors are the less weird ones.

What a strange world this would be if we all had the same sense of humor.

Strange how few, After alls said and done, the things that are Of moment.

My career has been a bit strange. I don't think it took the normal route.

Like the herd animals we are, we sniff warily at the strange one among us.

It's amazing: I am a New Yorker. It's strange; I never thought I would be.

Strange enlightenments are vouchsafed to those who seek the higher places.

A king who dies on the cross must be the king of a rather strange kingdom.

It was strange how your brain could know what your heart refused to accept.

How strange it was that a dream, once realized, could quickly turn mundane.

What work you do! It's strange work for a Christian girl to hang old women!

Believe then, if you please, that I can do strange things. [Act 5, Scene 2]

It is a strange paradox: Humans drown in the water, fish drown in the land.

I don't enjoy British shows as a rule because British audiences are strange.

Everybody has strange things that mean things to them. You couldn't help it.

Whereas for me, touring tends to be a very strange and isolating experience.

I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid.

Abstraction can provide stumbling blocks for people of strange intelligence.

How can you be so many women to so many strange people, oh you strange girl?

Man is an evasive beast, given to cultivating strange notions about himself.

Strange that we all defend our wrongs with more vigor than we do our rights.

Amory thought how it was only the past that seemed strange and unbelievable.

It's going to sound strange probably. But I really like Frank Gehry's works.

My plays have been strange from the beginning, and they never got unstrange.

Eating a cookie never feels strange. I am a big believer in food in general.

Strange, that certain superiority the goer-away feels for the stayer-at-home.

I have a strange need to paint; if I don't paint I cry and get bad headaches.

Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself, am strange and unusual.

The day of the absolute is over, and we're in for the strange gods once more.

It's a little strange to become a kind of symbol of a whole type of analysis.

Worldliness is whatever makes sin look normal and righteousness look strange.

I have been loved,' she said, 'by something strange, and it has forgotten me.

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