I stumbled into tennis.

I loved music before I stumbled onto acting.

I'm the only one in the family who stumbled into acting.

The rise in the price of gold is a sign that capitalism has stumbled.

I think I stumbled upon a voice people associate with me with 'The Deal.'

I just stumbled into acting; my first choice indeed was music and sports.

I tell stories. I kind of stumbled on that by trying to combine Jane Austen and magic.

I stumbled into acting and just loved it. I deferred law school-and I'm still deferred.

I stumbled into soul music at a very young age. It had something that really spoke to me.

Ultravox were the blueprint for what I wanted to do, but I stumbled across them by accident.

I'm a frustrated would-be architect who stumbled into the would-be business of making movies.

I stumbled into acting because a friend persuaded me to leave my 9 to 5 job and get into acting.

If I were trying to avoid embarrassment, I wouldn't have stumbled my way through 'Dancing with the Stars.'

In my journey as a cartoonist, I seem to have accidentally stumbled into all sorts of traps, damnations and blacklists.

I stumbled into this business, I didn't train for it. I yelled 'Action!' on my first two movies before the camera was turned on.

I grew up listening to Steve Martin and Robin Williams, so I didn't ever intend to be a musical comedian. I sort of stumbled into it.

I kind of stumbled into this. I used to do karate and then I started reading muscle magazines. Eventually, I began training and competing.

I stumbled on a joke idea and style that worked, the audience went with it and, from that moment on, I was hooked. It's an amazing feeling.

Growing up, my family wasn't really into sports, so we didn't really watch sports, and then one day I stumbled across the TV: pro wrestling.

I'm trying to figure out the trick of working to live as opposed to living to work, but I don't know if I've quite stumbled upon it just yet.

I kind of stumbled into comics in a roundabout way. One of the first films my father introduced me to was the 1989 'Batman,' the Tim Burton one.

I had my heart set on becoming an English teacher, but stumbled into acting after meeting a theatrical agent in my dad's restaurant in San Diego.

If I stumbled badly in doing the job, I think it would have made life more difficult for women, and that was a great concern of mine and still is.

I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and it isn't of much value. Life hasn't revealed its beauty to them.

I kind of just stumbled into producing. It was more that I was a writer, and the only way you were going to get your songs done was to do them yourself.

I've been on stage since I was nine years old, and I kind of stumbled into the world of hosting. That, to me, was the thing I had to build a skill set for.

I just kind of stumbled into this Marvel thing with 'Spider-Man.' It's been great. I love it, it keeps me in town, it keeps me busy, and it's a lot of fun.

Genuinely, the first gig I did when I was 18, it felt like the world shifted. I realised that I had stumbled upon a mechanism through which you could view life.

I stumbled into this format for 'Last Call with Carson Daly' that I really like, inspired by cable and Dave Attell's 'Insomniac.' I love being out on the street.

I was in rehab for nine months, and I needed some solace and distraction. I was in town one day and I sort of stumbled into a jazz jam session, and kept going back.

I announced my dissent in the Citizens United orally, and I stumbled in my announcement. I had a little difficulty expressing myself. And that was out of character.

What's lucky about my career in general is that I stumbled into what every writer most wants. Not repeating myself and doing strange things has become my trademark.

I love my parents in the way most children would: for having been there at every point in my youth and childhood, ready to pick me up when I fell and support me when I stumbled.

I always say I stumbled on the information about the poison in Hinkley's drinking water because I was sort of stumbling about in my life at that time generally, as a single mother.

When you sit there, and you sing the chorus - and then you look at each other, and everybody has the hair standing up on their arms - then everybody knows you've stumbled onto something.

Coincidence is a recognized element in 'real life.' All of us have anecdotes about those times when, by the merest coincidence, we avoided some disaster or stumbled onto some wonderful experience.

I was looking everywhere, from horoscopes to just sitting, thinking, and writing, and I stumbled on life path numbers. And before I even knew anything about them, I just went straight to the number six.

I had the sense when I looked back over my life I would actually see a mess of decisions, a few of which I had thought about, some of which I had sort of stumbled on and many that I had no control over whatsoever.

Ever since my grade school days, as I mastered the art of 'faking sick' and I stumbled across 'The View,' I've been confusedly asking myself the same question... How do these dumb broads remain gainfully employed?

I started out in this business in rock and roll bands and stumbled into drag. Drag just happened to be my vehicle for my creativity. So, you know, it's afforded me the opportunity to create new shows, to make music.

I had always loved Haitian art, but I stumbled onto Haiti quite by accident. I went there on vacation after finishing a movie called 'The Delta Factor,' and I met lot of painters and fell in love with their folk art.

I have accomplished a lot, but it didn't happen overnight for me. I was 35 when I got the show, and had been working professionally for 15 years. It would be a lot weirder if I were in my early 20s and stumbled into it.

I stumbled upon Charles White purely by chance while looking through a book 'Great Negroes, Past and Present' in the library at Forty-Ninth Street Elementary School in South-Central Los Angeles. I was in the fifth grade.

Because of the way the record business has kind of stumbled and disintegrated, in a way, you're as likely to sell records at your merch table at your gigs as you are to sell them in a regular record outlet or even online.

I kind of stumbled into acting, even though I've always been fascinated by people and kind of their motives, and it's been amazing to me, everything I read before about psychology, philosophy, just to put it into practice somehow.

My first movie ever was 'Breaking Away.' I stumbled into an incredible part in a movie that was incredible to be a part of. Peter Yates, the director, became a lifelong friend. He sort of plucked me from obscurity and gave me a life.

When I was younger, I went through the windshield of a car ,and my hair didn't grow back right. I had been wearing scarves occasionally, and I decided that I didn't want to deal with wigs and things, so I just stumbled onto my thing.

The first season of 'Community' stumbled a bit because the plotlines too often veered into realism, but that is not a problem anymore. Not when prize episodes concern a campuswide blanket fort, or a secret garden with a magic trampoline.

The inspiration for 'Human' came from a conversation. We stumbled upon this question: sometimes you think a problem is a problem when sometimes it isn't. And it takes you to have a little step back and realize you might be a bit dramatic.

When I got to 40 or so... I had the sense when I looked back over my life I would actually see a mess of decisions, a few of which I had thought about, some of which I had sort of stumbled on, and many that I had no control over whatsoever.

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