If you don't do it my way, I suggest you commit suicide.

I highly suggest marriage to all my friends who are dating.

I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal.

I'm not going to suggest to a delegate at what they ought to do.

I don't need a piece of paper to suggest that I can commit myself.

I do not want to suggest that you have to be religious to be moral.

To suggest that we can't pay our debts - that's absolutely not true.

Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution.

However, I don't by any means suggest that I'm always playing myself.

When people suggest we like to 'dream big'... they're absolutely right.

My ideas are not meant to suggest dreams or reality, but a surreal quality.

If anyone wants to ask a question or to suggest something, I'm always open.

I am not as bad as people would suggest. Not as good as I would like to be.

First of all, I didn't suggest that we should simply get rid of all prisons.

Her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud yet guarantee a flower.

I don't want to suggest that Trump is emulating Putin. Trump is his own creation.

If you're going to go through hell... I suggest you come back learning something.

I do not take orders from Washington, and I suggest that no one else should either.

A researcher has to be able to identify key points and suggest intelligent questions.

Some studies suggest that the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free by the end of the century.

It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem.

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.

It is false to suggest that medical breakthroughs come only through government research.

I don't think I am an icon. My team works hard on my look; I just wear what they suggest.

Not the first half you might have expected, even though the score might suggest that it was.

I would certainly never suggest that any lesbian should be ashamed of her sexual preference.

It never feels good when people suggest that you did something wrong and you know you didn't.

I suggest that instead of criticising us, the establishment has a bloody good look at itself.

May I suggest that people in many African countries could be suffering from donation fatigue?

If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail.

Some suggest that, as a woman, I meddle in political affairs and need to be 'put in my place.'

I love dresses that just skim the body, that suggest what's underneath rather than display it.

If you have a beard, I would suggest putting glitter on it, because it will make you look fancy.

If you're an adult who takes 'Made in Chelsea' seriously, I suggest you take a look at yourself.

It would be a most despicable thing to suggest I would exploit the poor for my own personal gain.

A person seeking to be the President of the United States should not suggest violence in any way.

Suggest your children try tithing - giving 10 percent of their allowance to a charity every month.

The best way to get husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they are too old to do it.

The only thing I don't write is the guitar solos, but even then I might suggest one or two things.

It's hardly a radical idea to suggest that regulators and legislators understand the law now, is it?

When I make a vow to God, then I would suggest to you that's even stronger than a handshake in Texas.

I suggest that an education and reading and facts aren't bad things on which to ponder a few notions.

Over emphatic negatives always suggest that what is being denied may be what is really being asserted.

The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they're too old to do it.

The power of daring anything their fancy suggest, as always been conceded to the painter and the poet.

You want to suggest something new, but at the same time, resolve the drama of the action in the novel.

We don't suggest that because San Francisco lies on top of an earthquake fault that it should be moved.

It appears to suggest that I was removed because I was disabled - based on one occasion out of hundreds.

Congress leaders will now come to offer you money. I suggest you take the money but don't vote for them.

The data strongly suggest that very good years in the U.S. stock market are followed by more good years.

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