I'd rather be in a tent than in a house.

I think our big tent is our greatest strength.

We need a real tent city in the heart of Moscow.

My view of the alt-right was that it was a big tent.

My bed is my weird little haven. It's like a deflated tent.

Hopefully I won't have to sleep with my feet out of the tent.

I absolutely loathe sleeping in a tent, regardless of the weather.

The movies are about big tent pole movies and big action and effects.

One of the happiest times of my life, I lived in a tent on a porch on Hawaii.

Labour has to be a big tent that appeals to everyone - not just its activists.

The thing about me is that I don't judge my audience. I welcome. It is a big tent.

For a while we lived in a tent we'd pitched inside his parents' house and we slept on pillows.

But the soul of touring and the heart of it is basically every day is like putting up a circus tent.

I was not an attractive child. When I didn't use my Girl Scouts uniform as a uniform, I used it as a tent.

For more than a quarter of a century on active duty, my house has been my tent, and my home the battlefield.

I conquered my phobia of camping, although I doubt I'll be pitching my tent at a muddy festival any time soon.

In ultralight backpacking, modified gear pieces come into play, like a tent you hoist with your trekking poles.

Ultimately, as players, we are inside the tent, and we have got to deal with what happens between the white lines.

What a privilege and honour it has been to be part of seven years of magic in a tent - 'The Great British Bake Off.'

From the start, Trump's rallies had the air of the tent revival, that same hot thrum of militant exorcism and ecstasy.

Humor can bring people under the tent. And a good joke can deflect some of the intensity surrounding a serious subject.

This is 2017, nobody should be sleeping in a tent on the concrete in the middle of Martin Place - it's not safe for them.

I pass my life in preventing the storm from blowing down the tent, and I drive in the pegs as fast as they are pulled up.

I am doing what I can to expand the tent and bring up other people and make sure we are telling different kinds of stories.

You don't want to pitch a tent and live inside the Louvre. You want to check it out, appreciate it, and move somewhere else.

Anyone who has spent a few nights in a tent during a storm can tell you: The world doesn't care all that much if you live or die.

You do sequels because they are tent poles. They open well, and they hold the tent up. But in between, you make a movie you respect.

It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.

When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive.

The Republican Party is a much bigger tent than people give it credit for. We have a lot of what I guess you all call moderate Republicans.

In Africa, you can make three acres sustainable relatively easily, but 50,000 acres? It's not about picking up towels or sleeping in a tent.

I have worked for three decades as a staunch advocate of building a 'big tent' party that includes both pro-choice and pro-life Republicans.

A newspaper is the center of a community, it's one of the tent poles of the community, and that's not going to be replaced by Web sites and blogs.

I didn't even think demographics until I got to ABC. They were the first to go for 18-to-49. But, at CBS, it was just, 'Let's get 'em in the tent.'

People didn't suddenly wake up one morning and unanimously say 'I'm fed up with midbudget dramas. I'm only going to see action tent poles from now on!'

Islam is, to be sure, a big tent, and the one and a half billion Muslims in the world run the gamut from mystical, moderate, pacific Sufis to Salafists.

I had a birthday one night on a farm we were shooting on. I walked into the tent, and there were 150 people waiting for me, all wearing masks of my face.

I have a very different fear if I'm all alone in the summit area of Mount Everest and if I know that there is nothing below me, no Sherpa, no tent, no rope.

The more you focus on sex without love, and drugs and violence, lifestyle of intimidation and recycling, the less energy you spend on opening up the big tent.

We need to build bridges between the LGBT community and the larger immigrant community. In the end, the bigger the tent we build, the more successful we'll be.

And you know, we'd go to church. We were Baptists. And every now and then there'd be a tent would set up, and it was the Holiness folks. And we liked their music.

Catholicism is a wide tent in terms of political and legal positions. We could have nine Catholics on the Supreme Court and a great deal of diversity toward the law.

It's easy for us to look at another country or another political party and say, 'Enough! Do better!'. It is a tougher conversation when the problem is in our own tent.

When we were doing 'Criminal Justice,' they were filming 'Clash of the Titans' nearby and we kept nicking off to their catering tent and going, 'Look what they've got!'

Make no mistake about it. These are not 'kookie' birds. Right now the greatest player, the big tent on the political scene in America, is called the Tea Party movement.

My earliest memory from childhood is of fishing with my father. And I remember vividly we were in a store, and we were buying a pup tent to go on our first camping trip.

Having such a diverse cast and crew is what makes the 'Fast & Furious' films so unique to all the other studio tent pole films that just have a very singular look to them.

I've never stayed in a tent or a caravan in my life, and I never joined the Boy Scouts. I don't see the point of going on holiday to enjoy less comfort than I have at home.

If there is any way you can get colder than you do when you sleep in a bedding roll on the ground in a tent in southern Tunisia two hours before dawn, I don't know about it.

Disney's clearly in the business of doing giant tent pole movies based on properties that they own. And that's what they should be doing because they're great at doing that.

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