I'm terrified of goats.

I'm terrified of routine.

I'm terrified of cliches.

I was terrified of funerals.

I am terrified of submarines.

I am terrified of being bored.

I'm terrified of losing my voice.

I'm terrified of performing live.

I'm absolutely terrified of spiders.

Im always terrified when Im writing.

I was terrified of taking the G.R.E.

People can smile even when terrified.

I'm still pretty terrified of heights.

I'm always terrified when I'm writing.

I am actually terrified of horror films.

I hate spiders; I'm terrified of spiders.

I am terrified of sharks, so I don't surf!

I'd rather die terrified than live forever.

I used to be terrified of heights as a kid.

I was terrified about putting out 'Weekend.'

I'm terrified of mice or any type of rodent.

I grew up with brothers. Girls terrified me.

I'm terrified by speaking in front of people!

If I have to speak in public, I am terrified.

I'm terrified of being bored and not learning.

I both love inequality and am terrified of it.

I'm only going to work now when I'm terrified.

When I was 11, I was terrified about the world.

Everyone couldn't be happier and more terrified.

We are terrified by the idea of being terrified.

Whenever I'm terrified of anything, I jump to it.

People are terrified of me, and I want them to be.

I'm so terrified to write that I don't type at all.

The entertainment industry is terrified of silence.

Everyone is so terrified of being labeled a racist.

I'm terrified of lasagna. I think it was to eat ME!

I am terrified of plane landing. It's a phobia for me.

I'm terrified for what is in store for me as a parent!

I've never given a speech without being terrified first.

I was terrified watching 'Civil War' for the first time.

How can you stay so calm?" It helps if you're terrified.

I'm never funnier than when I'm heartbroken or terrified.

I'm typically pretty terrified to sing in front of people.

Liberty is never safer than when politicans are terrified.

My wife is terrified. She thinks I'm going to race forever.

If a man is terrified, it's up to me to dispel that terror.

When I first started in film, I was terrified of the camera.

I am actually terrified of sharks; it is my number-one fear.

You're never terrified when you say what you mean - are you?

I love and am terrified of the water, particularly the ocean.

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