Texture and flavor is king.

Superstitions add texture to life.

My natural hair texture is very kinky.

I love playing with words and texture.

I'm never afraid of pattern or texture.

My food is about texture and technique.

Radio voices have a solid, even texture.

It was a texture. The blackness was so intense.

Catfish has a nice firm texture and mild flavor.

Texture and pattern should function as a surprise.

Art is the colors and textures of your imagination.

The past becomes a texture, an ambience to our present.

When we write we begin to taste the texture of our own mind

I think oysters are overrated, and I don't love the texture.

Indifference is isolation. In difference is texture and wonder.

I used to get perms to straighten my hair and change the texture.

Little moments can have a feeling and a texture that is very real.

I always pan-fry sprouts - it retains texture and enhances flavour.

I love playing the melodic stuff. I love adding textures and colors.

That one time I had ma Latina texture going on.. Or just.. everyday.

I am moved more by melodies, song structure, and evocative textures.

The imagination is of so delicate a texture that even words wound it.

You must understand the texture of your hair before you choose a style.

I like to create a lot of texture in my hair, and I like it a bit messy.

How can you turn down Marks and Gran? Their scripts are so rich in texture.

Did I choose my hair texture? No. I'm grateful for having this hair on my head.

The more you mess with texture and colour, the worse your hair is going to feel.

Anytime I see an unusual combination of colors or patterns or texture, I buy it.

The mixture of weird textures and organic surfaces creates an interesting dialogue.

Sampling is kind of prehistoric, given the technology and the textures you can create.

Using open strings is a great way to add texture and atmosphere to any chord progression.

I love the way men smell. I love the way they taste, their texture, the way they're built.

There's many ways you communicate. With colour, texture, sound... Even words can communicate.

Experienced no-limit Texas Hold'em players understand the importance of reading flop texture.

I happen to love coconut, particularly for that sweet and crunchy texture it adds to any dish.

It's a man's world, they say; but in its daily textures it is a world created by and for women.

By the cigars they smoke, and the composers they love, ye shall know the texture of men's souls.

There are rules that are so blatantly broken on 'Contra,' like structures of harmony and texture.

Implication is thus the very texture of our web of belief, and logic is the theory that traces it.

Time could truly be made to stand still. Texture could be retained despite sudden violent movement.

The difference between a Black Thought album and a Roots album is the texture, the instrumentation.

The best pastas are cut with bronze dies that give them a rough texture and allow the sauce to cling.

We [ with Ewan McGregor] decided exactly what we would do at every moment, what the texture would be.

In Kid A and Amnesiac, the guitar becomes one more texture, difficult to separate from other textures.

To me, 'Show Boat' was the first American musical, the first to have the real texture of this country.

It's hard to beat the rough texture of steel-cut oats, with their slight resistance against the teeth.

Memory is quite central for me. Part of it is that I like the actual texture of writing through memory.

I always use dry shampoo, even if my hair isn't oily. It gives me so much texture and that bedhead vibe.

I think in many ways, the texture of technology actually diminishes human beings. It doesn't augment them.

My hair is like flat baby hair after I wash it, so it needs something in it to get that 'day after' texture.

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