I have thick skin.

I've got thick skin.

I have a thick skin.

I've got a thick skin.

I have kind of a thick skin.

A thick skin is a gift from God.

You know, I have a very thick skin.

Am I ever gonna grow thick skin? No.

You have to develop a very thick skin.

You have to develop a very thick skin.

I have a thick skin, but I have a heart.

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart.

You've got to have thick skin in this business.

Growing up in Manhattan has given me a thick skin.

You have to have a very thick skin to run a business.

You cannot do what I do for a living without having a thick skin.

You have to have a thick skin if you think what you are doing is right.

You have to grow thick skin and that only comes with time and learning.

I have inherited my father's thick skin, which helps me deal with trolls.

Fox is notorious for having a very thick skin about taking shots at themselves.

You have to surround yourself with really good people and have a very thick skin.

I had to grow a very thick skin very fast. I think that's where the GC came about.

Having been a journalist for thirty-nine years, I've developed a pretty thick skin.

It took me years on top of years to grow thick skin and it took me many hurtful days.

If you come from WWE, you have a thick skin because you're hated on all day, every day.

I've learnt that you need to have a thick skin, lots of patience and be consistently good.

I will never grow thick skin, so that you don't have to feel bad about being a jerk to me.

I don't think I have thick skin, but I heal fast. It's easy to break through, but I heal fast.

As an actor, you have to get used to being told no, develop a thick skin, and just keep persevering.

As a Test cricketer you expect that at times you're going to be heckled, and you must have a thick skin.

It takes a strong stomach and a thick skin to be a female activist fighting online censorship in Pakistan.

In this business you have to develop a thick skin, but I'm always going to feel everything. It's my nature.

I think you have to have really thick skin to be in politics - which I just lack. I think I'm just too nice!

I'm a confident woman with thick skin, and as a model in the public eye, I'm conditioned to accept criticism.

I think that it is important that one grows a thick skin fast in this business, and I think we have done that.

You develop a thick skin. And once all the chips have been played, you make sure you're working on behalf of Arizona.

I often have said that to be a college president, you need a thick skin, a good sense of humor, and nerves like sewer pipes.

I might have to stumble a little bit more in public than others, but that's fine, I don't mind, I've developed a thick skin.

I've been booed in Holland and in Uruguay - as a professional footballer, you need to have thick skin and just get used to it.

Being a fabricator is fun, amazing and empowering but you'll need to put on your thick skin to face opposition on a daily basis.

Dealing with negative comments is part of this job, and I've had to develop a thick skin, though some days it's easier than others.

I have been on the Internet for a long time and have always gotten hate on the Internet, so there is a thick skin I have developed.

My experiences in high school, in which I was used to being unfairly labeled, unfairly maligned, gave me the thick skin that I needed.

I do think a key to success in any walk of life is having a short memory and a thick skin - I know it has served me well over the years.

I'm strong enough and have a pretty thick skin, but when people go after my kids, I just hit block-delete, block-delete. It's my mantra.

Rejection happens, and you have to have a thick skin about it, which is hard. You can't be overly sensitive about people not picking you.

I have two boys with Nigerian heritage and that's the most important thing but race shouldn't define you. You just have to have a thick skin.

Let me just say as one who has been speaker of the House, I've had to have a very thick skin about every kind of thing that was thrown at me.

I bring values, resiliency, a thick skin, and I'm not afraid to be confrontational. I don't remember anyone before bringing that to the table.

I had to learn that some people are just not going to like you. I had to have thick skin when I would see what people would say or write about me.

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