Most things in this world don´t work, aspirin do.

You can be effective in this world without stress.

There is nothing in this world that I fear to say.

You have something in this world, so stand for it.

If you wanna get to heaven, get out of this world.

Don't leave this world without giving it your all.

we're watchers of this world aren't we? not players

You have to stand up for some things in this world.

It's harder than it looks to infiltrate this world.

You are not in this world. This world is inside you.

I brought you in this world, and I can take you out!

The best pleasures of this world are not quite true.

I declare that I will establish peace in this world.

Being alone means there is no one else in this world

Hope in this world bleeds out of the barrel of a gun.

By honoring your words you are honored in this world.

There is only one question: / how to love this world.

He is dead in this world who has no belief in another.

All sorts of things in this world behave like mirrors.

Nothing that comes easy in this world is worth a damn.

There's more to this world than just people, you know.

I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone enough

All over this world people are standing up for freedom.

We all came into this world naked. The rest is all drag.

The people of this world must unite or they will perish.

People don't always get what they deserve in this world.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.

I'm going to imprint myself on everything in this world.

This world, I am afraid, is designed for crashing bores.

B2uties are the most precious thing to me in this world.

I grew up in this world where everything seemed possible.

When I first came into this world, Elvis was already fat.

There is nothing in this world as invisible as a monument

If there is any God in this world, He lives in a theatre.

To succeed in this world, you have to change all the time.

Peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come

Anything is possible in this world. I really believe that.

Nothing exists in this world but me and my bed…” (p. 141).

There is nothing constant in this world but inconsistency.

If you can't get the very best in this world, take nothing.

It is our duty to make this world a better place for women.

This world is a place of business. What an infinite bustle!

There are many questions in this world that have no answers.

Without education, you are not going anywhere in this world.

The latest gospel in this world is, know thy work and do it.

You can't live in this world but there's nowhere else to go.

Nothing is here in this world that is of any interest at all.

I'm not always sincere. One can't be in this world, you know.

All that any of us has to do in this world is his simple duty

While we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another one

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