I've been on the whisky diet - I've already lost three days!

I have three kids, and that's a big part of staying focused.

I have the same group of friends I've had since I was three.

I had three scenes in 'Super 30', but I got a good response.

The world is a big place and our brain is only three pounds.

He could have done one of three things. He didn't do either.

The three most dangerous words in medicine: in my experience.

My top three were Jim Brown, Wilt Chamberlain and Bo Jackson.

Scoring three away from home - you can't do better than that.

Defense involves three things: courage, energy, intelligence.

I'm the oldest of three girls. My sisters say I can be bossy.

Three things can happen when you pass and two of 'em are bad.

Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed.

The three of us pitched in $15,000 a piece to get it started.

Chile have three options - they could win or they could lose.

Fool me once, strike one. But fool me twice ... strike three.

I take a whole life story and compress it into three minutes.

People watch three or four episodes at a time of their shows.

Malthus married in 1804 and beat three children with his wife

Conduct is three-fourths of our life and its largest concern.

In my travels, I have encountered cranes on three continents.

An Irishman needs three things : silence, cunnning, and exile.

They scored 26 points in three quarters. That's solid defense.

The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency.

With all due respect, if you’re forty-three, then I’m a fetus.

I pay taxes in three countries, but can't vote in any of them.

Listen you have to read a book three times before you know it.

I do very well three things: my job, stupidities and children.

There are three floors beneath the garage? Why on earth?" -Mac

three out of four demons prefer barbeque sauce over hemoglobin

I fear three newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets.

I started reading when I was about three, a little over three.

A committee of three can accomplish much if two don't show up.

A good painter needs only three colours: black, white and red.

David Moyes, in Italy, would have been sacked three times now.

There are three sorts of lawyers - able, unable and lamentable.

All human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret.

Poetry: three mismatched shoes at the entrance of a dark alley.

When it's three o'clock in New York, it's still 1938 in London.

Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write.

The three chief causes of divorce are men, women, and marriage.

I am a New Yorker, one; I'm an artist, two; I'm a woman, three.

I practice three hours daily on my violin so I won't get worse.

Year: A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.

The modern video games kind of - they're too three dimensional.

The three most important words in investing...Margin of Safety.

I seem to produce a novel approximately once every three years.

If you have more than three priorities then you don't have any.

In three weeks Britain will have her neck wrung like a chicken.

One hundred and eighty, divided by three, is one dart at a time

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