You have to go broke three times to learn how to make a living.

We was half stupid, a third lucky, and three-quarters ferocious.

Bandwidth grows at least three times faster than computer power.

Carry an oar when you drive. Three times I've ended up in water.

My three husbands were afraid of me. I am a very powerful woman.

I work out four to five days a week, alternating three workouts.

I'd love to work across all three fields - theatre, film and TV.

I want more children but for the next three years I want to act.

The three eldest children of Necessity: God, the World and love.

Earth's saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart!

There are three sides to every story. Mine, yours and the truth.

The three words every woman really longs to hear: I'll clean up.

The fact that I'm three months pregnant doesn't change anything.

I work with the Humane Society a lot and have three rescue cats.

Maybe there are three or four really good poets in a generation.

Hidden in a long text, there are perhaps three lines that count.

A committee should consist of three men, two of whom are absent.

Haiti fell over? Who built Haiti? Two of the three little pigs?!

It takes three years to be an overnight success, sometimes more.

Everybody who is an actor has been acting since they were three.

A Tom Ford three-piece makes you feel so confident, it's bananas.

I've been an entrepreneur three times. I started three companies.

Why don't you click your heels three times and go back to Africa.

Management is the art of getting three men to do three men's work

Three or four drops of height have nothing to do with savageness.

I listen to jazz about three hours a day. I love Louis Armstrong.

At sixty-three years of age, less a quarter, one still has plans.

There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.

There are three things: to walk, to see, and to see what you see.

I've had three wives and three guitars. I still play the guitars.

You can help a thousand...but you can't carry three on your back!

Anyone who marries three girls from St Louis hasn't learned much.

If two or three agree on a common purpose, nothing is impossible.

Every city in the world can be improved in less than three years.

I have three boys, so I live in a household full of testosterone.

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

We need to find three Saudi Arabias just to offset [the] decline.

If I don't have a woman for three days, I get terrible headaches.

It's better to have three broken engagements than three divorces.

It's not so hard to be married, I've done it three or four times.

Since I was three I've been playing the piano. I've been onstage.

The Three Branches of Government: Money, Television, and Bullshit

Embody the three harmonies: within; with others; and with nature.

If you cant say it in three minutes, I dont want to know about it.

That's why breakups take two or three times- to build up immunity.

The blues are three L's - living , loving and hopefully, laughing.

Hello Dad! It is now three in the morning. Do you know where I am?

I've only had one serious boyfriend, but we dated for three years.

The most important three words you can say to yourself: Yes I can!

I didnt want to be 50 or 60 and auditioning for a three-line role.

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