I am a tough guy.

Dad's such a tough guy.

I feel like I'm a tough guy.

Dennis Siver, he's a tough guy.

Come with me if you want to live!

Out here, due process is a bullet.

I'm a big boy, and I'm a tough guy.

Putin is a tough guy. I met him once.

Eddie Alvarez, man, he's a tough guy.

I have thin skin. I'm not a tough guy.

Tough guy moments are fun to do sometimes.

It's weird: I don't see myself as a tough guy.

I'm a tough guy. I'm ready to battle with anybody.

I am a pretty tough guy. I'm an old hockey player.

Anybody who was in 'The Godfather' is a tough guy.

I don't know how to put on any tough guy pretensions.

I may seem a tough guy, but I'm also very sentimental.

I'm used to being the big tough guy, the bodyguard type.

I've never been a bad guy - never acted like a tough guy.

I'm not some young tough guy trying to prove a point anymore.

My dad was a big grinder, a tough guy. I inherited that from him.

But I'm not a tough guy or a street fighter for real. I'm just an actor.

Humility is a very tough thing to have, especially when you're a tough guy.

I'm not always 'Dominick Cruz, Tough Guy.' Depression runs in my bloodline.

I don't want to be remembered as just some tough guy who could take punches.

I didn't think I was so tough until I did 'Champion'; then I was a tough guy.

I wanna be in action movies, I wanna be the tough guy... I wanna scare people.

It's easy to be a tough guy when no one's going to come knocking on your door.

A tough guy, to me, stands for something, and he's not afraid to get a beating.

I'm not a tough guy, but I'll throw down just like the rest of them if I have to.

Almost every culture has a cognitive bias for the tough guy, the alpha, the winner.

Not only is it OK for a woman to write about a tough guy, but it might even help sell him.

Gabriel Gonzaga is a very solid fighter, and I've seen some of his fights. He's a tough guy.

My background has made me the person I am today. It's made me a mentally and physically tough guy.

A fighter walks in the room and people are like 'oooo' because everyone is trying to be a tough guy.

One of the toughest guys in the world is Randy Couture - he is the true epitome of what a tough guy is.

This idea that you're a successful tough guy if you evade taxes and deceive the state has got to change.

My mom used to say that I became a fighter and a scrapper and a tough guy to protect who I am at my core.

Listen man, Andrei Arlovski is a tough guy, but he hasn't fought the caliber of opponents I've been fighting.

I'm not a tough guy. I'm just delivering the truth and only the truth and if you can't deal with it, too bad.

Tough guy Spike was always the funnest, but I'm most proud of the more recent stuff, the last season, I think.

Will Brooks is a very tough guy. He's an ex-champ and beat very tough guys. The same way I fought very tough guys.

I made a good living being a tough guy on TV, but I'd rather laugh and joke all day long than try to be a tough guy.

I've been in fights, but that doesn't make me cool or like a tough guy or more interesting actor, I'm not proud of it.

I'm a pretty tough guy, you know. I'm a pretty hard man. I've got a lot of compassion, but I don't waste time with people.

There is a tendency in the media to simplify me to the point that I am somehow a tough guy. I think there is a lot more to me.

I ended up moving up to lightweight, which I didn't want, and fought a really tough guy, Will Brooks, and beat him like nothing.

My father was this big, tough guy, almost heroic in proportion to me as a child. It was only later that I saw how fearful he was.

I'm a very tough guy, and I fight hard, and I don't give up. And that makes me friends and that makes me enemies, and I know that.

Peter is an old friend. I'm heartbroken, but he's also a tough guy. I'm counting on him getting through this very difficult passage.

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