I have a great time touring.

I always want to be touring.

Touring is hard on the body.

I don't actually like touring.

Touring is too much fun to stop.

Touring can be quite a dull life.

Touring is something I do really well.

I've been touring now since about '68.

Touring for two years is excruciating.

I felt pressured by continuous touring.

I'm quite tame as touring musicians go.

I'm not going to do any more solo touring.

You never get tired of the buzz of touring.

Touring is really a pretty lonely business.

The worst thing about touring is the travel.

Touring doesn't kill me and I can handle it.

I tend to write better when I'm not touring.

I'll be like Bob Hope, touring when I'm 100.

I just love singing, songwriting and touring.

I'm dedicated to touring the rest of my life.

I like touring; I live on the road, more or less.

I like to travel. I love touring, I love playing.

We're known as a touring band, not a singles band.

King Crimson will soon be touring parts of Europe.

I find that touring keeps your voice in great shape.

I love touring - I don't do it as often as I should.

I just wanted to keep growing and touring with my band.

The thing about touring is you get to see the world, man.

If I stopped touring tomorrow, it wouldn't change my life.

Touring doesn't have to be a harried, cliched way of life.

Touring is one of my favorite things about what I get to do.

I went through a period of being disillusioned with touring.

The touring was crazy, it was a lot of work. But I enjoyed it.

If Daryl stopped touring it would be a big part of him missing.

I love India, Russia and touring has made me many friends abroad.

I landed gigs touring with The Jonas Brothers and Britney Spears!

I've invested a couple million into touring, and that's paid off.

The juxtaposition between fishing and touring couldn't be greater.

I have been on my own all my life except during those touring days.

I'm doing a lot of touring and things have been really busy for me.

I'm not going around touring the U.S. when I've got nowhere to live.

I did a lot of Shakespeare touring when I was in college in Montana.

I don't do drugs anymore... than, say, the average touring funk band.

I think if you retire from touring, then people think you are retired.

I really wanted to break the mold of what modern touring is right now.

Apparently I was a Billboard top touring act of 1973, but nobody told me.

And touring is difficult when everybody's heads aren't in the same place.

My favorite thing about touring is the new towns and new faces every day.

When I was growing up, there was no such thing as a touring ukulele player.

Touring is what you make it. I like to organise as much as possible myself.

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