My penalty for rocking the boat was being traded.

I wouldn't have traded my career path for anything.

You get traded. It happens. It's part of the business.

Values are not trendy items that are casually traded in.

I had a huge Lisa Frank sticker collection. I traded them.

If I get traded, I get traded. It's a part of the business.

Some people want to stay with one team but they get traded.

One of the things about the NBA is anybody could be traded.

Would I want to get traded again midseason? Hopefully, never.

One time they traded me for seven horses. Seven stunt horses.

Everybody - come on - everybody is going to get traded at some point.

The options and futures traded on exchanges are derivatives contracts.

When I got traded to the Lakers in '97, Kobe Bryant was just a rookie.

We have traded a dictator for a chaos that has left America less secure.

Anytime a guy gets traded at midseason - a young player - it's surprising.

There are positives and negatives to publicly traded and private companies.

My first guitar, a Fender Jazz Master, I traded it in for a Les Paul Deluxe.

People used to trade their guitars to get new ones; I never traded anything.

When I first came to Atlanta, I did not want to come here; I got traded here.

When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?

There have been few players that haven't been traded over the years in the NBA.

Being traded and moving teams, it's difficult, especially when you have families.

I learned about the market's power when I was traded to the Buffalo Bills for $100.

Whenever you get traded out and you are playing for a winning team, it's always good.

If you're the CEO of a publicly traded company, you're worried about quarterly returns.

In all my years of baseball, I have always expected to be traded. I never liked the idea.

As kids, we traded 'I like Ike' and 'All the way with Adlai' buttons in elementary school.

I mean, if you're going to get traded, you're always looking for a good team to play with.

Publicly traded United States companies report sales and profits to investors every quarter.

Happy Days was a wonderful, wonderful experience and I would not have traded it for the world.

I'd often wondered what would I do if I were ever traded, because it happened many, many times.

When we moved back to the US, folk music was all the rage. So I traded in my banjo for a guitar.

Everyone knows my career was catapulted to another level when I got traded to the Boston Celtics.

I have always thought the women's movement traded too much on outrage and not enough on ridicule.

It would have been a short career if I had not been traded to Boston. I was rejuvenated in Boston.

I came into the league traded. So I'm not the only person that goes through trade rumors each year.

When I found out that I'd been traded to Brooklyn - it was pretty much the best feeling in the world.

Would I have traded 'Homeland' for anything else? No. Would I trade 'Billions' for anything else? No.

Lindsey Graham can't lead us in any direction because he traded his moral compass for petty political gain.

From day one, since I was traded to the Clippers, the team has been amazing to not only me, but to my family.

Being traded a couple times - and I've been traded after winning Rookie of the Year - is out of your control.

I've owned about 2,000 guitars through the years because I've traded a lot and given away and sold some stuff.

As soon as you get traded, you kind of start thinking where you're going to live, your family, you have to pack.

The 10 or 20 minutes I was somebody's mother were black magic; there is no adventure I would have traded them for.

I've been traded a couple times, but I've enjoyed the experience of new cities and cultures and all types of things.

I will never demand to be traded. Because if I do, then I'm at fault, I'm the bad guy, I'm the crybaby, I'm immature.

It wasn't that I knew Kyrie wanted to be traded or not, or him and LeBron had a beef. I don't know any of those things.

I only had one player in my 33 years of sports that couldn't be traded. He wore No. 23 - and 45 when he played baseball.

I can't speak for the Warriors but for me and my career, being traded to the Celtics changed the trajectory of my career.

As a pro-business Democrat, I understand the obligations of publicly traded companies to maximize returns to shareholders.

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