Compassion alone stands apart from the continuous traffic between good and evil proceeding within us.

If I'm stuck in traffic or have a bad moment in my day, I go back to my yoga practice, and I breathe.

I'm savoring being in California every minute, learning that traffic is just God's way of saying 'Hi.'

There are times I might coach one or two workouts a year when the regular coach gets caught in traffic.

I'm surprised when I see someone doing the logical, commonsense thing: Walk facing the oncoming traffic.

I enjoy small towns, I've got my friends there. I have friends in L.A. too, but I'm not much on traffic.

In New York, there are so many potholes, they're like craters on the moon. That's another traffic thing.

After all my hard work, I ventured into Bollywood with 'Traffic,' which is a remake of a Malayalam movie.

Had I not been a choreographer, I would have become nothing more than a traffic cop or peon in an office.

Why do you need to drive a Ferrari to get stuck in a traffic jam anyway? How do people afford these cars?

Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.

YouTube is a problem. It has very big traffic, but it refuses to contribute to the weight of that traffic.

The average action game doesn't much traffic in thematic grandiosity, but the BioShock games are different.

Adelaide's charms are compelling. It's not a huge place; the size is manageable, the traffic absurdly light.

If you listen to the traffic with a clear mind, without any concepts, it is not noisy, it is only what it is.

Nothing beats weaving through the rush-hour traffic or whizzing past the eternal gridlock that is the Strand.

One of my favorite activities is just to drive and listen to music - of course, only when there's no traffic.

What Labor has said very clearly is that there should be up to life sentences for people who traffic in guns.

I have a lot of road rage. Mostly with the rickshaw and cab drivers trying to cut me; it's the traffic. Grrrr!

I'm just a skinny kid from Glennville, Georgia - 3,500 people, two traffic lights - going to the Hall of Fame.

In the city a funeral is just an interruption of traffic; in the country it is a form of popular entertainment.

I changed my mind," he said. "I'll take you up on helping me get a job." I almost swerved into oncoming traffic.

Car chases usually don't involve major criminals - they're usually guys afraid of getting another traffic ticket.

I'm not a car guy. The subway gets me where I need to go efficiently and cheaply, and I don't worry about traffic.

Furloughing a bunch of air traffic controllers has a pretty easy-to-predict effect on air travel: It causes delays.

The biggest downside of L.A. is the traffic and parking tickets. They turn me into Michael Douglas in 'Falling Down.'

Everybody likes driving through scenic, winding roads. It's hard to find people who like sitting in traffic in cities.

We Americans, who invented traffic, are always being startled by the forms into which it has evolved around the world.

You know, if you're lucky enough to have two smash hit shows, the traffic of the world goes through your dressing room.

My understanding is that a book becomes a best seller only when it is pirated, sold on footpaths and at traffic lights.

Visibility is dangerous because if a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can't call him a name - it might get to the press.

You go to traffic court in many locations throughout the country, and you can spell justice - J-U-S-T dash U-S. Just us.

Venice Beach is incredibly quiet at night: no streetlights, no traffic, hummingbirds in the garden, palm trees everywhere.

I've never ridden a hog. I only have sport bikes. But that's basically how I get around L.A. Because traffic is horrendous.

There's usually room in the theme parks business for efficiencies on the cost side and new investment, which drives traffic.

In Mumbai, the air is saltier. The sea is roilier. The traffic is snarlier. The pinks are pinker. The ostentation is crazier.

My mother taught me to drive using the 'Detroit Method,' where speed limits and traffic lights are taken as cute suggestions.

I was late, as a player, many times. If you have bad traffic, what are you doing to do? Make a miracle? Sometimes it happens.

Australia has an economic interest in ensuring our cities have 21st century urban rail transport to reduce traffic congestion.

If the Internet or air traffic of the financial center of the world shuts down, of course the world needs to have a say on it.

I always almost miss my flight. My routine is to constantly, no matter how bad or good the traffic is, to almost miss my flight.

People are building communities of people who use video. They're sharing them. YouTube's traffic continues to grow very quickly.

In 2011, mobile data traffic in the United States was eight times the size of the entire global Internet in 2000. That's traffic.

Relationships are like traffic lights. And I just have this theory that I can only exist in a relationship if it's a green light.

With the scale of our traffic, content library and monetization ability, we are confident to see profitable growth in the future.

Bengaluru's traffic does not allow scope for cycling regularly, but I brave the roads occasionally and take the cycle out to work.

The peace you seek is there, it's there between all the traffic in your mind, stop and rest for peace will find you if you let it.

Good running is the ability to have a very well defined on-board computer. The ability to judge distances when running in traffic.

I love this thing about L.A. that we always make fun of but always do, which is talk about traffic and which direction we're going.

Terrain has seen a strong uptick in brand awareness and direct-to-consumer traffic from their inclusion in the Anthropologie Group.

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