Jealousy is the worst trait in any person.

I've got a lot of traits from my dad's side.

Verbosity was an established Victorian trait.

A tendency to exaggeration was a Roman trait.

Tis a human trait to hate one you have wronged

Males shouldnt be jealous. Thats a female trait.

Confidence is a fine trait. Over-confidence isn't.

Pride is about the ugliest trait somebody can have.

A slew of cognitive traits predisposes us to faith.

Each character represented a trait that resides in me.

Humility is not a trait I often associate with America.

Character is more important than any other leadership trait.

It is a very natural human trait to destroy that which frightens us.

There is only one trait that makes the writer. He is always watching.

I try and balance positive and negative character traits given to me.

You can't assume that kindness is an inherited trait. It is learned behavior.

One trait of addictive families is that we never recognize our own addictions.

Selfishness, if but reasonably tempered with wisdom, is not such an evil trait.

My not-so-fun traits are that I get very impatient and I can be really stubborn.

A chaste and lucid style is indicative of the same personal traits in the author.

The screenwriters I know share a few personality traits and one of them is anxiety.

My father was tough. At least, he thought so, and I guess I have a lot of his traits.

Most people experience some insecurity regarding one or more of their physical traits.

I love musicals - that's probably one of my most gay traits: that's one of my giveaways!

The drive to be a parent is strong. It's one of the most ingrained human traits there is.

Adolescence is a new birth, for the higher and more completely human traits are now born.

Unlike many of its European neighbors, Britain shares many of America's financial traits.

Even in the case of a god, audiences - paradoxically - enjoy recognizing the human traits.

My dissertation focused on the character traits and personality types of successful women.

If you want someone to develop a specific trait, treat them as though they already had it.

The gift of giving and paying it forward has always been traits I consider to be invaluable.

The theory of founder effects does not explain how novel features like plumage traits arise.

I don't know what I'll be like when I'm 60. I already have the traits of a retired gentleman.

Don't just praise a guy's achievements. Praise the personality traits that made them possible.

I think the negative traits are what makes us love other human beings, the foibles and the flaws.

We cannot understand all the traits we have inherited. Sometimes we can be strangers to ourselves.

You're never going to be able to delve into the character traits of a Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton.

I don't really have any traits that I deplore. I get annoyed with myself sometimes, but that's about it.

Why is it that, among men, physical courage is a trait so plenteous yet moral courage is a trait so rare?

I build a wall around myself. I'm hard to get to know. Any trait you have, it gets worse as you go along.

The three traits speculators must learn to manage within themselves are confidence, fear, and aggressiveness.

I see traits of my body in my mother and grandmother, and it makes me proud. This shape isn't going anywhere.

A presidential debate is a job interview. And voters look for certain traits in people applying to be president.

When I go to Brazil, I feel like an American, and in the U.S., I always notice the traits that make me Brazilian.

The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory.

At first, like every other actor, I wanted to do characters with deep traits - what we call 'serious characters.'

I admire traits in people. I 'respect' certain things about them but I think that word gets thrown around too much.

I feel like I've lost so many amazing traits because I've listened to stupid people, ignorant people who are bullies.

The diversity of perspective, the unwillingness to generalise - those are good traits in countries as they are in art.

Obviously, there will be different character traits in the dressing room, but I'm there to bring happiness and a smile.

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