I like underwater life.

Baptists are only funny underwater.

I can't even open my eyes underwater.

No Atlantis is too underwater or fictional.

Reality whistles a different tune underwater.

Being able to breathe underwater would be sweet.

I am an underwater explorer, not a treasure hunter.

Making art is like swimming underwater in a blindfold.

Teaching is like trying to hold 35 corks underwater at once.

It was great. I mean, it's a blast directing underwater stuff.

There's a lot of stress involved when your house is underwater.

I filmed underwater for two days in the open ocean with dolphins.

The swallow that hibernates underwater is a creature called yearning.

I've always said, 'Underwater or on top, men and women are compatible.'

If you need somebody to dig up rocks eight hours a day underwater, call me.

Just because you have stopped sinking doesn't mean you're not still underwater.

I like underwater pole vaulting, because you can have perfect form without the risk.

The underwater businessman philosopher Andrew Ryan was BioShock's unforgettable villain.

'Ghazi' has underwater stunts and was physically taxing. That added to my cardio routine.

I feel like crying, so I must be crying, but it's impossible to tell because I'm underwater.

More than a quarter of mortgage borrowers are underwater, and 11 percent of all homes are vacant.

I feel much more comfortable either up in a tree, or underwater. That's where I feel the most zen.

But I think sometimes a person has to be forced underwater to see if they're going to drown or swim.

Nationally, the share of mortgages that are underwater fell by about one-half between 2011 and 2014.

I do pool exercises, like weightlifting but underwater. I walk, I swim... I'm pretty fit for an old bloke.

Do you know why I’m the fastest heavyweight in the world? I’m the only heavyweight that trains underwater!

Like most people, I find watching the lazy and quiet underwater realm of a big aquarium exceptionally calming.

Everyone loves to fly and flying underwater is even better than flying in air because there are things around you.

Perhaps I am the turtle, able to live simply anywhere, even underwater for short periods, with my home on my back.

When you're working on a lake and it's dark and cold out and you can't see what's underwater, it is freaking scary!

Everyone loves to fly, and flying underwater is even better than flying in air because there are things around you.

The colors of the underwater rock [are] as pale and delicate as those in the wardrobe of an 18th-century marchioness.

I don't know how to answer. I know what I think, but words in the head are like voices underwater. They are distorted.

I'd like to put on buckskins and a ponytail and go underwater with a reed, hiding from the Indians... To me, that's sexy!

We ought to take him offshore and dunk him 10 feet underwater and pull him up and ask him What's that all over your face?

No one had ever done a swimming movie before so we just made it up as we went along. I ad-libbed all my own underwater movements.

I think something that forces financial institutions to write down underwater mortgages, I think, would be a sensible thing to do.

I feel like I'm playing chess underwater. The pieces keep floating away. I don't know where things are. I can't figure out tomorrow.

Young men often seek tests and trials, and to me, BUD/S training - basic underwater demolition/SEAL - seemed like the ultimate test.

I wanted to be an oceanographer, actually. It's a way of going underwater. I've always been interested in how deep it was, you know.

Remember when movies were just good or bad, before auteurs, film festivals, and guys from USC who were the first to shoot underwater?

A marine ecologist is a scientist who studies the many species that live underwater and how they interact with each other and with humans.

I swam underwater for 50 meters at a time and walked the length of the pool underwater, with a brick in each hand, all on a single breath.

I had a little Walkman, the worst Walkman ever. It was the yellow one, that underwater Walkman. Like you need to take a Walkman under water.

Silent," the carved wizardwood on his wrist breathed. "Silent as a blinded ship, floating hull-up in the sea. Silent as a scream underwater.

Underwater, I experience space with my body. I'll see a school of fish gathering and moving together and I'll exclaim, 'This is architecture.'

Perhaps we should put up posters in such places reminding people that where they stand was underwater the last time that the Earth ran a 3°F fever.

When you're underwater with goggles on, a couple of your senses are taken away, and it becomes this purely visual thing. It's just you and yourself.

Being with him was like being alone underwater - everything was slow; nothing counted; I could not be harmed; I would feel dry and cold when I resurfaced.

Sea Hunt was the first time anyone tackled a show that took place underwater. The stories were sort of exciting for kids, like cops and robbers underwater.

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