I unfortunately do suffer for my art.

Unfortunately, I'm used to the insults.

Unfortunately, I'm very accident-prone.

I'm unfortunately very verbose too often.

Unfortunately, I don't have much free time.

Unfortunately I'm still not a fashion expert.

Unfortunately, not all stories end positively.

Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

Failure is unfortunately as common as success.

Unfortunately, I don't know many black people.

I just have the normal ringtone, unfortunately.

I'm unshockable, fortunately - or unfortunately.

Ballet has a very small audience, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, I have a child who doesn't sleep.

Unfortunately I was in New York when 9/11 happened.

'Creep,' unfortunately, was one of my true stories.

I'm a very serious person. Unfortunately, sometimes.

Unfortunately, I did go through a dark eyeliner phase!

I wish I could turn back time. Unfortunately, I can't.

Unfortunately in life, justice is not always achieved.

Unfortunately, the people of Louisiana are not racists.

Unfortunately, I've never been mistaken as Johnny Depp.

Unfortunately cybercrime is the crime of our generation.

I think people, unfortunately, do live in constant fear.

Unfortunately, spaceflight takes a lot of time and money.

Midterm elections can be dreadfully boring, unfortunately.

Business, unfortunately, isn't all sunshine and lollipops.

Unfortunately, being a brand is really important nowadays.

I'm approaching 70. Unfortunately, from the wrong direction.

I date, but the person I date most is myself, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of abuse and negativity online.

I don't want a record company, but I need one, unfortunately.

I don't mean to make you nervous, but unfortunately I have to.

Unfortunately for my family, they have a writer in the family.

Unfortunately, addicts don't respond to reason or rationality.

Unfortunately, all the cliches we see about Hollywood are true.

In Britain, Christianity is dying. Islam, unfortunately, isn't.

Unfortunately our nation, nay, our world, is run by evil morons.

Unfortunately, I'm allergic to all animals and even some people.

Sometimes, unfortunately, hatred is more powerful than progress.

I'd like to say this was our worst game. Unfortunately, I can't.

Unfortunately, sometimes people don't hear you until you scream.

I was street smart, but unfortunately the street was Rodeo Drive.

I lift quite heavy weights, but unfortunately no one believes me.

We unfortunately did foreclose on certain people in the military.

Unfortunately, a lot people still don't understand queer culture.

I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier - unfortunately.

Unfortunately, there is no 'X Factor U.S.A.' without Simon Cowell.

Racism, unfortunately, is part of the fabric of America's society.

Unfortunately, with addiction, there's manipulation and deception.

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