I love Victoria Secret!

Victoria's Secret is like a big family.

Victoria's got her secrets. Hey, so do I!

I absolutely did date Victoria Beckham, yes.

If you're not a cop, don't buy a Crown Victoria.

We drink VB, Victoria Bitter, which is way better.

I always find Victoria's Secret models a bit weird.

My besties do Victoria's Secret. I just don't do it.

Being a Victoria's Secret model, which was always my dream.

Queen Victoria - a mixture of national landlady and actress.

I think the people of Victoria are smart, intelligent people.

I own some Victoria Beckham dresses; they make me feel great.

I am a 100 percent determined to be a Victoria's Secret model.

I hate Victoria's Secret but can definitely get into Forever 21.

When I was younger it was people like Victoria Wood who I loved.

I feel Victoria may have a Secret, but you don't have to know it!

I moisturise a lot. I use Victoria Secret's hydrating body lotion.

And there's the Victoria Memorial, built as a memorial to Victoria.

I met Victoria Justice once. She was so nice. I've always been a fan.

Working with Victoria's Secret, it is very celebrated to have curves.

My biggest inspiration in 'fashion is definitely Miss Victoria Beckham.

Victoria's Secret is entitled to brand themselves the way they want to.

Victoria heard across the wedding reception dance floor "You're loveable"!

'Victoria Para Chino,' my 2nd-year film at NYU, gave birth to 'Sin Nombre.'

I want Victoria to be the number one state in the best country in the world.

I've met some of my best friends in the world working for Victoria's Secret.

If I looked like a Victoria's Secret model, I would still get nasty comments.

When it comes to designer, you can't beat Victoria Beckham. I love her stuff.

I went to University of Victoria on Vancouver Island and their theater program.

I love the Victoria's Secret Angels. They're sort of my gorgeous glamour heroes.

I know people think I invented the Victoria sandwich, but I'm really not that old.

I get up each and every day trying to do my level best to make Victoria a better place.

Victoria's Secret have an instant bronzing gel; that's what they use on all our shoots.

It's absolutely essential that Melbourne, and Victoria, has a rail link to the airport.

I'd rather kill myself than dress like Victoria Beckham in towering heels day after day.

Victoria's Secret is really about celebrating women and what they stand for: the strength.

I love the responsibility of being a Victoria's Secret spokesmodel. It's a great life skill.

I spent grade nine and ten going to school in Victoria. My parents lived there for 10 years.

I think, Queen Victoria's diaries, I think you can get them if you go to the British Library.

I train a lot of celebrities, including a lot of women who work for Victoria's Secret as Angels.

The first song I ever performed in front of an audience was 'Make It Shine' by Victoria Justice.

Obviously Victoria and Mel B have become mothers and there is a part of me that wants to be a mum.

When I started Victoria Principal Products, there were 22 full-time employees - they were all women

When I started Victoria Principal Products, there were 22 full-time employees - they were all women.

I love Victoria's Secret and the brand, and I'm passionate about Victoria's Secret commercials, too.

Victoria is proudly the multicultural capital of Australia; we have a diverse, harmonious community.

You don't see Victoria's Secret women running around with even short hair. That's too crazy for them.

It's exciting for me to be home in California where I'm from and to be working with Victoria's Secret.

You might say that Richard Wagner was the Queen Victoria of Europe. He had musical children everywhere!

I am extremely proud to have the honour and privilege to be the Premier of this great state of Victoria.

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