Music is so visual now.

Racism is a visual pathology.

Every act is a visual judgement.

I like visual imagery in my head.

I'm huge on visuals. I love visuals.

I like my visuals to feel like movies.

People are visual and hands on learners.

Fiction becomes visual by becoming verbal

I just like pictures and visuals and stuff.

I'm a great believer in visual distinctions.

I love visual gags and gimmicks; I love them.

Seeing, despite the name, isn’t merely visual.

Where I come from, gettin visual is habitual...

Comics don't work without the visuals, obviously.

The thrill of doing visual effects doesn't exist.

For me the visual is just as important as the music.

My exposure to visual art all my life was intensive.

The Western memory museum is now mostly a visual one.

It's interesting vocalizing something that is visual.

I wanted to do something really visual and photogenic.

In a silent film, the visuals are of utmost importance.

My picture-poems are linguistic margins on visual atolls.

It has been said that 80% of what people learn is visual.

Let's find visual excitement in what nature has to offer.

I think songs and visuals are so evocative of each other.

Visuals are important, as listeners like to 'see' the song.

I have always been a very visual person and a keen observer.

I'm personally more struck by visual things more than musical.

Be drawn to the visual arts for it can expand your imagination.

I consider myself more of a visual comedian than a physical one.

I see myself as a recorder of history, sort of a visual historian.

For me nature is not landscape, but the dynamism of visual forces.

I've always been very interested in the visual aspect of what I do.

My entire learning process is slow, because I have no visual memory.

It's much easier to consume the visual image than to read something.

What I am really curious about is the visuals of cinema... the form.

We are visual creatures. Visual things stay put, whereas sounds fade.

Cinema is ultimately a work of art, it is all about sound and visuals.

In visual art it's better once to see, than one hundred times to hear.

My interest in filmmaking was always very much the visuals and images.

Stand-up comics reflect less of a visual humor and more of a commentary.

The best way way to get a visual image is not to think of a visual image.

For me, photography must be visual, rather than intellectual and ideological.

By the visual pattern, but mostly I'm guided entirely by my ear, what I hear.

I like visual layers, stylistically, that's something I enjoy and seek to do.

I've always been super into photography and the visuals that support my music.

My visuals are typically very powerful. The rhythm is fast. The cuts are fast.

I'm a very visual person and I love the ability to tell stories through images.

I like visual arts, and what I love doing is participating in the making of it.

The presidency has become a series of visuals I don't know how a woman fits into.

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