You gotta own it if you want it

I want God, not my idea of God.

What does everybody want? HEAD!

I want to be a mom who listens.

To want is more than to attain.

You want your coach's blessing.

It's never about what YOU want.

I don't want to be this skinny.

Be suspicious of what you want.

I want to run until I can't run

I really want to go to college.

I want to play on the PGA Tour.

I can do anything I want to do!

I want to make timeless movies.

Evil tongues never want a whet.

Write the book you want to read

I want to make everybody laugh.

Keep your coins, I want change.

I never want to ever look back.

I want people to see the truth.

I want to be the black Madonna.

Information wants to be useful.

I want to ski as long as I can.

People want you to be ordinary.

The world wants to be deceived.

Know what you want - and get it

We see what we want to believe.

I don't want to mislead people.

I want to get rich and die old.

I never want to be pretentious.

They dont want you to exercise.

I want a thousand guitars . . .

I want to privilege the moment.

I just want pieces of the world.

I want it all and I want it now.

To copy faults is want of sense.

I hate myself, and I want to die

What I want is to be number one.

I don't want to follow the herd.

I want a man with nuclear power.

I want to be silverly beautiful.

I want faith; but I am faithless

If God wants it, it will happen.

I don't want to die an old lady.

I want to be a good human being.

God knows, we don't want prayer.

I did want to be the top sniper.

I want to chase the butterflies.

I just want to get on the court.

You want to make people relaxed.

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